Bradford man fined for felling of 100-year-old trees

Bradford man fined for felling of 100-year-old trees

by topotaul

  1. >The 100-year-old oaks in the Nab Wood area of Shipley had an estimated value of £250,000 to the local environment

    >Hussain, 67, of Coniston Grove in Heaton, was fined £1,666 and ordered to pay £3,000 in costs.

    Doesn’t quite add up

  2. >Hussain claimed he had not known that the tree orders were in place.

    >between 21 July 2021 and 3 March 2023, the oaks, which were subject to tree preservation orders, had been removed from the grounds of 11 Staveley Road

    Well that doesn’t track – either he didn’t know and was told in 2021, or he knew, and didn’t care.

  3. Glad to see the order for the trees to be replaced, but is there an incentive to make sure the new trees actually survive? In my experience, you can’t just stick a tree in the ground and be done with it. Constant maintenance is needed otherwise it’s likely they just die in the first year or so and you have to do it all over again.

  4. He bought the house and did not know there was a TPO? The fine is paltry and does not act as a deterrent for other people who want to remove inconvenient trees.

  5. Disgraceful behaviour, get the cunt to plant the replacements and make him do some forestry work too, really hard back breaking work.

    I can’t believe he only has to pay £4666 when he lives in a large Edwardian house in an affluent area.
    Rotten system and once again dickhead people with no respect for nature.

    Looking on google maps he’s also massacred the outside of the building going from natural stone to awful grey and black brickwork and windows.

  6. When will the general public understand how incredibly important trees are? The fine is pointless.

  7. The fine seems so low for someone who could afford to buy that sort of house for a child.

    90% chance that they were cut down because leaves were falling on a car that the dad also bought for his kid.

  8. Stick an tall and ugly as fuck barrier up with details about the missing tree. Make it uncomfortable in the longer term for those that break the law rather than a slap on the wrist

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