If streets could talk..

If streets could talk..

by RemyBangzx

  1. Wow this is terrible tbh. Instead of taking care of the country, the govt wants people to count chickens. They better have the budget for roads.

  2. To be pedantic, PornHub is obviously one of the *best* places to see well-filled-in holes, so this is just an incredibly dumb assertion to make.

    It’s like trying to mock somebody’s football ability by telling them you’ve seen better shooting at Barcelona.

  3. This reminds me of the guy who went around spray painting dicks around potholes in his town so the council had to come and over it up.

  4. I like spray painting cocks around pot holes with bright pink paint. I had considered filling them in and charging the council but I like the route of shaming them more

  5. I like spray painting cocks around pot holes with bright pink paint. I had considered filling them in and charging the council but I like the route of shaming them more

  6. I like spray painting cocks around pot holes with bright pink paint. I had considered filling them in and charging the council but I like the route of shaming them more

  7. I like spray painting cocks around pot holes with bright pink paint. I had considered filling them in and charging the council but I like the route of shaming them more

  8. I mean that’s not really much of a statement is it?

    They are quite good at filling holes there.

    You’re supposed to say you’ve seen better hole filling somewhere where they are bad at filling holes.

  9. My younger brother works in the planning department of our county highways office, and all he ever seems to do is having to go out to sites to make sure the cheapest option chiselling crooks the county has been forced to contract due to tendering legislation are, you know, actually doing the job for which they’re being paid.

    Had an incident recently where the highways division contracted a company based literally hundreds of miles away to seal pavements (i.e. slapping on and smoothing out a layer of liquid suspended aggregate to even out the surface) because they tendered the cheapest option. My brother spent nearly every day going to the site in the morning to make these chancers actually do any work whatsoever. In one memorable incident he found them in a Wetherspoons outside the county’s highway division’s jurisdiction, down two pints at least each at 10am, less than an hour after they’d ‘signed in on site’. My brother quite literally only found them because unbeknownst to them he had an inside contact who was as fed up with all of them as he was.

    Then my brother spent the next month or so dealing with very angry residents because those arsehole contractors had sprayed on the sealant as though using a leafblower; Huge spatters of tar based aggregate all over people’s houses, gardens, cars, etc. This company even sealed over weeds and other plants they never bothered to even clear out of the way, so there’s big dockleaf shaped patches all over the sealant, which they never even bothered to smooth out anyway so the pavements now look like a rolling tide of sealant heading into shore.

    So my brother undergoes the incredibly arduous (way, way more arduous than signing in the first place) task of disengaging the contractors, i.e. severing their contract. After massive amounts of back and forth, legal shenanigans, and overly superfluous gathering and presenting of evidence, the contractors got the boot.

    Fast forward a month when a new contractor is on the job and my brother goes out to inspect how the new contractors are undertaking the work.

    Who should be there but the same arseholes he’d got the contract severed with a month before.

    Turns out the new contractor had just instantly subcontracted the job to the arseholes who were kicked off it, and because they’re now subcontracted instead of directly contracted, the only way they can be removed again is by severing the contract of the contractor which would, since they’re not actually performing the contracted duties, require even more legal shenanigans and the contractor being bought out of the entire contract, which would actually cost more than the bid in the first place.

    Gotta love modern Britain, hey folks?

  10. I would love it when my 6 year old see’s this and asks me what filling holes on pornhub means.

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