Does the general public really have such short memories? (MoreInCommon polling – which government do you prefer?)

by backupJM

  1. Yes.

    The public want immigration dealt with.

    They want public services improved.

    Any incumbent government which does not appear to be doing either will suffer at the polls.

    Honeymoon period is over now, labour need to get a grip.

    Oppositions rarely win elections, much more common is that governments lose them.

  2. I said before the last election that Labour would get 4 years then be out.
    They are driven by self intrest with little to no regard for appeasing voters.

    Plus governments are voted in by England, England vote conservatives except when they get to greedy and slimey, vote left to clean up the mess then have a bout of amnesia and switch back to the tories to sell everything off to their mates, again.

  3. On the whole, we’re fucking dumb.

    Being dumb means there’s often a failure to understand things fully.

    Not understanding things fully is the primary fuel for reactionary opinions and positions.

  4. Curious what the raw figures are for this. Less people tend to have strong feelings or less appetite for politics when we’re just out of a GE.

  5. The average voter is a fucking idiot with a memory so short that people suffering Alzheimer’s are concerned about them.

  6. We had a Tory government and people didn’t like it, we got a Labour government and people don’t like it

    Simple as

  7. People tend to think more about the now and the labour are already making a fuck up of it. But who knows if it’s a “worse before it gets better”

  8. I don’t think it’s short memory here, it’s a bit of buyers’ remorse.

    Which is probably inevitable after a long period of one party in government. The alternative seems unblemished. Then when they get in and start having to make hard choices, and expose their own shortcomings, it’s probably pretty natural that the lustre comes off and people think a bit more fondly of what came before.

  9. It’s the question that’s dumb, imo. People are using their responses to express discontent *in whichever government is currently in power* because they’re unhappy that “everything’s shit”. It’s pretty irrational to waste much mental energy thinking these things through deeply when you can use it to say “ya boo sucks” to whoever’s in power at the time.

  10. Why does this fucking mass amnesia never apply to the Tories? It’s like they’re seen as the default and any other party is held to 100x higher standards, but the goddamn Tories just have to exist to get the pendulum-swing vote back in. Nevermind they killed tens of thousands of us through Covid mismanagement, austerity, letting energy companies run rampant and folks freezing in their homes…

    The fact that they’re only ever one slip-up by Labour away from retaking power no matter how flagrantly evil and corrupt they are is such a damning indictment of the British public and political system. We’re fucked, and have none to blame but our fellow citizens.

  11. I’m not surprised the Conservatives are in front. Many pensioners will vote for them because it’s in their own selfish self interest. But many others will too.

    I assumed Labour would have a bumpy first year or two then win the next GE. And that it would only be the possible 2032 GE that they’d fail and people would turn again to SNP as the prospect of a Conservative government loomed large.

    Now I’m not so sure. Labour don’t seem terribly good at politics or the optics.

  12. The Tories are the most successful party in the world. Not because they’re good, but because they’re seen down South as the ‘natural party of government’.

  13. Just for reference this isn’t the actual election poll, it is an opinion of who you prefer between the two

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