Bewohner des Gazastreifens sagen, die Hamas zwinge Zivilisten, in der Kampfzone zu bleiben, und verhindere so Evakuierungen

Bewohner des Gazastreifens sagen, die Hamas zwinge Zivilisten, in der Kampfzone zu bleiben, und verhindere so Evakuierungen

  1. >Terror group preventing civilians from evacuating northern Gaza’s Jabaliya, according to IDF-released recording where Gazan describes how Hamas members beat them with sticks, forcing them to stay

  2. But surely this is where UNWRA would step in to secure safe passage for civilians looking to move to safety?


  3. Tonight at 9, the UN condemns Israel for forcing Hamas to hold civilians hostage as human shields /s

  4. I’m sure the Yedioth Media Group would report fairly on Gaza. Israeli media would never make anything up about Palestine.

  5. How is this news? We’ve known this for ages. Before oct 7 2023, the IDF would go so far as to call residents of buildings that were going to be destroyed to tell them to leave and we knew that sometimes they had to sneak around to do it.

    After oct 7, there were plenty of reports of civilians being forced at gunpoint by hamas to stay in buildings that they knew would be targeted, just to increase the body count.

    And yet, no one gives a shit and happily blames israel for it.

  6. hamas? the terrorist organization? on way. those civilians are definetly sionsist!. jokes apart, holy fuck this is insane..

  7. Guess they haven’t realized that it’s not stopping them from being destroyed. Sad the people who don’t want anything to do with it are caught in the middle.

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