Sara Sharif’s father told police ‘I’ve killed my daughter’ after fleeing to Pakistan, court hears

Sara Sharif’s father told police ‘I’ve killed my daughter’ after fleeing to Pakistan, court hears

by topotaul

  1. This dude is like “I beat her too much and she died and I’m running scared” and probably thinks we should feel sympathy for his deadbeat ass.

    What the fuck is wrong with people? Send the dad, the step mum and the uncle straight to jail. And not a nice jail. A hole in the ground with a cage over the top. I couldn’t even finish reading that article cause I already wanna put hands on that MF.

  2. A minimal punishment will be given, and their ‘culture’ will be the reason ..

    Any family that beats a child to death, deserve nothing but the harshest of punishments, just because you’re Muslim and practice a backwards facing religion, doesn’t give you the right to beat children to death.

    These vile monsters don’t care about anything other than their backward religion and personal face in their very secular communities.

    They don’t belong in the modern world, they’re stuck in the dark ages .. and the men like it that way.

  3. It’s so sad, poor baby. Yet again absent parent who let a child move to a strange place and hadn’t seen them for ages crying to the papers about it.

    Why had the mother not seen them for 4 years and now is suddenly so so involved

  4. And yet people were outraged last week when it was suggested that not all cultures are equal.

  5. > Sara Sharif, 10, had suffered dozens of injuries, including bruising, burns and broken bones

    > He also says: “I legally punished her, and she died,” adding “she was naughty”, and: “I beat her up, it wasn’t my intention to kill her, but I beat her up too much”.

    No shit he beat her up too much. If he genuinely believed that this was legal punishment then something has gone seriously wrong that led to him believing this is even remotely close to being legitimate.

  6. So it’s cause they were Muslim that they beat their children to death not cause they were sick people?? What about the thousands of other Muslim kids like myself who were not beat to death or beaten at all. When a white parent beats their kids it’s not cause of their skin colour or religion but when a Muslim person beats their child it’s because of their religion. Fucking ridiculous.

  7. What does “legally punished” even mean?
    Either way the extend of the injuries makes it clear that this “legal” punishment was not based on UK law.

  8. All the people implying his culture is at fault when really it is another man using violence against a girl to punish her for his anger. This happens everywhere that humans inhabit. Domestic violence is a serious issue across the world. Women can be violent and abusive also, but men are significantly more represented in these crimes.

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