“You’re too childish for an abortion, this’ll teach you!”

Posted by narsfweasels

  1. Kids with kids. Makes a right winger so proud to force that one because it lets them put someone ELSE in that “School of Hard Knocks” they worship so much. Misery loves company.

  2. To get ahead of what would be the main defence too;

    Even if said child is put up for adoption after, even if we say we don’t care how those 9 months will affect the well-being of the *other child* who is pregnant because the one that might be born matters more to us, how is “too immature to abort, exactly mature enough to let carry out a pregnancy with life-long implications for the life it would create” logically consistent?

    Your options in that situation become “just trust the immature minor to think of the well-being of the fetus and accept the very real, very high chance the immature minor creates health consequences for said fetus she doesn’t want, will not keep and has been forced to carry”, or “enact some kind of surveillance or confinement and make Pregnancy slavery a real thing”. Looking at it from that framing I’d like someone to honestly say they still think “end the pregnancy while we still have the luxury to philosophize over if a life has technically started before we reach a point where *no one* can argue it hasn’t” is the worst option.

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