Could This Be a Different End to the War in Ukraine? @VisualPolitikEN

Could This Be a Different End to the War in Ukraine? @VisualPolitikEN

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The war in Ukraine has disrupted Vladimir Putin’s plans. But to what extent is his presidency at risk? How could this affect the war? In this new video from VisualPolitik, we bring you all the answers.

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#Putin #Russia #Ukraine

  1. Anyone can fall but the obsession with Putin is the west is really going nuts too much 🌈 thinking no reality and deplomacy 😂 America is truly Babylon like the Rastafarian use to say..even the media is corny and played out

  2. You did not mention the cheap "vodka" used by the Putin regime to passivate and fool the masses. Without this tool, stupid propaganda would not work.

  3. Bro, not only in Russia, Putin is popular in India as well. Most of the intelligencia approve of his conduct in best interests of Russia. And we don't understand why the west keeps complaining when they had all the opportunity of joining Russia in Nato and getting hold of its military. Ringing any bells? The west just needs a villian to run their dirty arms business.

  4. Many russian still supports putin because of false information made by its progandists …the citizens of russia thought that putins war in ukraine has a good result they dont know that thei economy has gone down because of the war…they are mislead by the reports of insane propagandists👍👍👍🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦👍👍👍

  5. Russia has problems due to Putin that need to be fixed. But I am pretty certain that whoever removes Putin (even if its one of his closes henchman) will most likely still have some perks. If that henchman removes the Russian forces out of Ukraine they can probably renegotiate lucrative trade deals with the west. They might have to settle for some repayment to Ukraine and that it will become a NATO partner. But they would be able to rule Russia and have some nice trade deals. It would not be the worst start. Basically there is even within Russia a big price on Putins head simply because of that.

    Currently however I feel like the U.S. elections are still a big thing. Putin might still be 'saved' if Trump wins. Trump will A) Halt all U.S. support to Ukraine. B) Try to sanction or otherwise force western nations to stop support to Ukraine. C) Weaken NATO significantly. All so he can become a dictator of the U.S.
    So nothing will happen in Russia till those elections have passed. If Harris winst Russia will most likely crumble early 2025.

  6. the problem with westerners trying to comment on other countries outside the EU and its closest allies.. they assume that their standards and culture are the same with other countries. that they can use western perspectives in analyzing issues concerning other countries. they have no ideas how to live under authoritarian regimes.

    *the west is just starting to establish their own authoritarian regimes under the guise of compassion/ safe spaces and fake democracy via illusion of choice.

  7. How stupid is this idea that a country that is under attack by another country would turn around the leader and the support the attackers ?
    With the recent Kursk invasion I believe all that Ukrainians managed to achieve was to unite the entire Russian people around their leader in support of their country.

  8. "Imagine you were a Russian. One day somebody ask you what you think about the war. Of course you would condemn it."
    Are you crazy? If I was a Russian I would be even more aware of how bad an idea it is for a Russian to publicly criticize Putin directly.

  9. Motorbikes with & without sidecars as recon troops have been used by Russia since before ww2. Each tank & mechanised corps had an attached regiment of these super mobile troops for first contact & probing missions. In hot war scenarios very high casualties were inevitable 🙄

  10. Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes will always fail. History shows that as much democracy is imperfect system, it is sustainable in long run as society continue to be inclusive in political decision making.

  11. The relentless propaganda from the West continues, conveniently ignoring how the U.S. keeps attempting to assassinate a former president while much of Europe is collapsing under its own weight. NATO's support for Ukraine is crumbling, yet no one dares admit that it's the West's decades-long provocation of Russia that sparked this war in the first place. They're too cowardly to acknowledge Russia's perspective or face the reality that the West has been wronging not only Russia but countless other nations for the last 30 years.

  12. Instead of regurgitating the same old rhetoric, why not address how the U.S. manipulates its own citizens into backing false flag wars and invasions, all to seize control of resources and destabilize any nation it perceives as a threat? Their manipulation isn’t just national—it’s global. This is a multipolar world, and Russia isn’t the only so-called villain. Or have you been so brainwashed by Western narratives that you can’t even see the truth anymore?

  13. 2 problems with your analysis…your graph end date was 2022 and polls of citizens in Russia are not reliable as you can be imprisoned for criticizing Putin.

  14. In reality ,
    Putin remains very strong , meanwhile his western enemies are actually not steady at all .
    Macrons grip on power is diminishing with putins ally Lepen holding increasing power .
    Germany , afd is currently the second stronger party with ever increasing support .
    Uk remains kind of steady .
    USA it’s a 50/50 flip between continuous us support vs abandoning of Ukraine . Even in Ukraine itself people a lot of times protest , in their own way , against the actions of Ukraine government , trying to run away illegally , paying doctors and officials to not be enlisted etc. infighting which is now known between zelensky and zaluzhny, klitschko.

  15. I say if they can take it we can😮😂
    As you said the people want to rule some and intimidate others.
    Me thinks Russia needs something Germany got in WWII, modesty! Whatever the cost what baby wants baby gets. Let's see if they won't inscribe 'nie wieder' on their benches as the Germans did.

  16. My answer would probably be in line with the polls. After all, whoever asked for my opinion might simply arrest me, or make me disappear. Never answer truthfully to such questions in an autocracy.

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