Is it just me, or is it getting hotter and hotter every year when it’s not supposed to be

Is it just me, or is it getting hotter and hotter every year when it’s not supposed to be

by Luv_IntelNanny

  1. It’s just you. Most of us are not sensitive enough to notice 1-2 degrees change over our lifetimes.

    On a global scale that is a huge problem. On an individual scale you sound like a science denier asking about global warming on Facebook during a winter cold front.

    Turns out many of us follow our favorite narrative over actual science. Makes sense, half of us are less intelligent than the average person

  2. Enjoying pool weather in Atlanta into early October…

    Anecdotal, friends who grew up in the area mention that they couldn’t have pool days in late September when they were growing up.

  3. The reason why has been talked about for about 100 years and largely ignored by much of the planet in order to make money.

    This is not surprising.

  4. Isn’t it going up like a degree or two? It’s just hot some places, cold other places. In January this meme will be saying we never used to have negative temps.

  5. Fr. Its been hot as fuck these last few years. My roses were bllooming at Christmas last year and I live in Romania not some equatorial place, its supposed to be cold here.

  6. I’m still surprised how warm it was in Winnipeg last winter. It shouldn’t have been a complete surprise as it was pretty warm going into November but, you know, weather happens so it wasn’t that big of a deal at the time. When it extended into the winter that’s when it felt a little creepy, a comfortable creepy, but creepy nonetheless.

  7. I don’t know about y’all but it’s been freezing in my part of New England the last few days or so.

  8. Yea. I bought a RWD car a few years ago as im no longer worried about long nasty winters

    they start later, end earlier and any snow we get doesnt stay around for more then a few days

    so might as well enjoy the RWD coupe now and if i gotta use PTO for the 1-3 snow a days a year so be it.

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