It is the law.

by GreatBritishMemes

  1. Despite me being too old for advent calendars, my nan still buys them for me every year. Not that I’m complaining.

  2. They are getting really fancy now, I’ve seen ones with miniature bottles of spirits in.

  3. You mean you haven’t already asked, “are you too old for advent calendars?”. Expect the immediate, “NO!” response.

    Mine are 20 and 28 😀

  4. I got an advent calender for my Jehovahs Witness friend. Behind everydoor there was a person saying “Fuck Off”

  5. I moved to the states 22 years ago and my mum still bought me a Cadbury’s advent calendar every year until she died. I was 31 when I moved.

  6. We had a tradition of selection boxes every xmas day one day mum thought we were too old…she was wrong.

  7. And? I’m 30 and I expect one 🤣
    No doubt my Mam will also give my partner who’s even older a calendar again too 🤣

  8. Find it funny when I hear friends in their 40’s discussing what presents they are expecting from their parents for Xmas.

    Maybe it’s just a side effect of growing up poor and feeling excited and happy if we managed to have full day of food for Xmas. And being greatful for that from my mum.

  9. my partner buys one for her mom & sister each year.
    moms has chocolate behind every door

    sisters has gin behind every door.

    I’m not kidding

  10. I’m 37 and have spent the last two decades being secretly dissapointed when no one buys me an easter egg.

  11. My daughter is 40 and still gets one . We are in Canada and I have to source them from the British stores to get ‘good’ ones

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