“If we start taking something from someone, something will definitely be taken from us, or we will lose something,” Putin in 1999

“If we start taking something from someone, something will definitely be taken from us, or we will lose something,” Putin in 1999

by UNITED24Media

  1. So u saying this all was youre ambition all along and u have played with this thought for years? Preparing for years? And this is how it all goes?
    From 3 days to…..
    And yesz, u will loose something… U took crimea, nothing satisfied u. Now an all out war and o my god i hope besides all other consequences and things u lost, u loose crimea too.

  2. Playing Russia down so that all of Europe would demilitarize was a stratergy that worked out pretty well for him, that’s pretty much exactly what happened.

    Ironic then that he spent 20 years rebuilding this supposedly none imperialist countries armies back to being the 2nd biggest in the world, and then started an invasion eastward when he thought Europe wouldn’t have the stomach to resist and Ukraine was ripe for the picking.

    He started this because he thought his rhetoric and successful demikitarising of Europe had made him strong enough to realise his true dreams. Instead, Ukraine has become Putins Vietnam, worse even.

  3. This is why I think that the real puttin died like 5 years ago. Now Russia is governed by the new KGB ( the FSB), and use the doppelgangers in face of the public. When they saw that noone noticed, then they started moving to the war.

    (Lol, no, the man is a compulsive liar. Thats how he got in power and remained in power until now, and even lied to Macron at the beginning of the war)

  4. The quiet part that he didnt say out loud, was that “they will make sure to take a tripple amount to make up for what they lose”. They are such masters of lying with a straight face.

     The sad part is that the west is so desperate/greedy to make money that they will be suckered into doing business with them again as soon as sanctions are lifted. They need to have sanctions stay in place until their war debt is repaid to Ukraine for every last penny they owe, even if it takes 50 years.  

     Who cares if it stifles their ability to make money faster. They shouldnt be allowed a quick recovery so they can do all this again in 20 years. Next time with added insight and preparation into how to evade sanctions better.

  5. The earlier variant Putin cyborg hardware still had logic circuit installed, they were appearantly removed in the later “upgrades” (*unclear if due to neglience, corruption or simply because Russia*).

  6. Wow this guys face, he really looks like a weasel. When he talks he looks at people from the corner of the eyes usually people like this can’t be trusted of course there are exceptions but in this case it’s been proven.

  7. This version of Putin probably fell out of a basement window long ago. It’s also possible it was the real one.

    …or he played the long game. And we fell for it. Don’t know what’s worse.

  8. # “If we start taking something from someone, something will definitely be taken from us, or we will lose something”

    He is right. Russia has lost more than they acknowledge.

    Short term: income of oil & gas, lots of military equipment.

    Mid term: Lack of investment, economic stability (growth)

    Long term: demographic change in their disadvantage

    Now, every normal country would be worried. But Russia? No, because they are a maffia state with a petrol station. However, I believe that the real maffia has a long term vision. Russia does not.

  9. Wow he was (is?) very aware of where Russia stood after the fall of the USSR.

    If only he had the power to guide Russia towards a more democratic future. He still could’ve had a union with the former USSR but willingly, because they saw that Russia had turned the next page.

    If only you were in charge for 25+ Vlad…

    But seriously. What a fumbling of the bag Russia had after 1991. They had all the natural resources in the world to become Europe’s Iran/Saudi Arabia, but chose imperialism instead

  10. Yeah, well, he was just spinning some shit that everyone would buy, to give him the licence to steal everything.

    So everyone gave him the licence, and here we are now.

  11. Sounds like the 1999 Putin should have a talk with the 2022 Putin before the all out invasion of Ukraina.

  12. Was there an indoor soccer game after Putin’s façade of logic to help distract the audience?

  13. If you share this on Russian sites, that guy can get like 10 years in prison for such declarations if he’s still in Russia.

    I guess that’s what we should do.

  14. Here we see a textbook psychopath telling the lemmings what they want to hear. The lemmings clap their hands and nod their heads as they obey and march towards their doom.

  15. Well it wasn’t until a year later when Ukraine started to gain some economic prosperity. Most countries that were part of the Soviet Union really struggled economically, Ukraine included. By 2008 though, they were exporting 50% more goods in traditional industries like chemicals, metals, and food.

    Ukraine was becoming more independent and seemed to be headed on a more ‘pro-European’ trajectory, especially in western Ukraine by the early 2010s.

    I personally think Putin was realizing this and had probably began to develop the idea around this time of Russia needing to directly involve themselves in Ukrainian politics and put in a puppet regime. Zelenskyy becoming president was a massive threat in accomplishing that and I suppose with how easy it was for Russia to take Crimea, Putin felt it was going to be just as easy taking Kiev in one of the biggest misjudged military blunders in recent history.

  16. Im genuinely curious, did he believe in this and did he radicalize after frustrations, or has he indeed been a chameleon. Ps. I dont think anyone here has the answer, probably only our friend Vladidmir here..

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