UK believes Putin personally authorised Salisbury novichok attack, inquiry told

UK believes Putin personally authorised Salisbury novichok attack, inquiry told

by Captain-Mainwaring

  1. Even if he did so what, all we will do is have some public enquiry and lots of finger pointing.

  2. Why wouldn’t he? He knows full well we wouldn’t do anything about it. He can do what he likes on uk soil.

  3. Aye right does the government care to explain why a shit ton of Porton Down scientists resigned after BoJo the Tory Clown pointed the finger at Russia stating they couldn’t stand by what he said and that they feared for their safety?

  4. Of course the inquiry isn’t going to go into how two people with completely different metabolisms somehow both ingested wildly different quantities of a drug smeared on a doorknob – maybe they both shut the door – then went out for a meal, had some drinks, then some hours later suddenly collapsed at exactly the same time and the first person to come across them was the Chief Nurse To The British Army. Then they completely disappeared.

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