Mother who left her daughter to die said she was ‘attention seeking’ when she cried for help

Mother who left her daughter to die said she was ‘attention seeking’ when she cried for help

by pppppppppppppppppd

  1. How do people like this even get into relationships and find someone to have sex with? Boggles my mind!

  2. This is so very sad. I’m friends with a woman who lives with downs syndrome and when she cries, I hug her, it’s not exactly rocket science.

    It’s hideous that the brother’s carers are not paid enough, or trained well enough to care about the other people in the home, an external person three times a day and still she continued to be left in that state. Goodness knows what will happen to him now too.

  3. The carers for this girls brother have failed in their safeguarding duty hugely here. The smell of faeces and the disarray in the property alone is grounds for a safeguarding referral let alone a skeletal Down syndrome person clearly not being taken care of

  4. Very telling this day and age that the only decent photo of this poor girl is a really terrible low quality. What I mean is… You take a lot of photos of your kids, you post them and some might be poor quality but you try and get a few good shots for the memories and this was the best the mother had?

    Sorry it seems petty me critiquing photo quality but I see it as an indication that she didn’t give a shit about her kid before I started reading.

    I’m disappointed in the carers, “we were there to care for her brother” yet the house was a state and smelled like shit, you could hear her in distress in grotty conditions one even saw her looking neglected and they did nothing? I heard my neighbour beating the shit out of his partner and screaming profanities at his kid through my wall and instantly made a complaint to police and social what the actual fuck is wrong with people.

    Obviously the mother is the biggest horrible but if I was one of those un-caring carers this would play on my conscience for the rest of my life.

  5. Those care workers are disgusting not raising a safeguarding complaint or anonymously calling the police on her and just ig bring things as they were “there to care for her brother”

    Yes of course the parents are the worst and should rot in hell but those care workers should be sacked.

  6. Why are some parents like this?

    I know of many people who have Chronic illnesses being verbally and emotionally abused by their parents.

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