Gerry Adams says Irish flag and anthem should be ‘on the table’ during unity negotiations (May 2024)

Gerry Adams says Irish flag and anthem should be ‘on the table’ during unity negotiations (May 2024)

by steelballrun69

  1. To be fair it all should be, it’s probably going to have to be a completely new setup and not simply trying to beat existing things into a new shape.

  2. Flag should be the one with the boobs obviously.

    I quite like the tune of the current anthem so maybe it could have new lyrics written. It’s a bit rich having ‘The Soldier’s Song’ as the anthem of a nation which underinvests so much in defence.

  3. A new flag and anthem is almost automatic because lots of people from a unionist background find the flag a symbol of hate and violence

    Just use a green or blue background with the harp boob lady on it much nicer and classier

  4. Whatever happens its going to be a can of worms. Arguably unionists with a bit of foresight should be throwing the concessions out now to the nationalist community for two reasons. 1. They can point to that if a UI ever happens and have plenty to negotiate with as regards keeping a strong british culture in the north 2. It might just prevent a UI from ever happening if nationalists feel as much of a stake in ‘Northern Ireland’.

  5. The scariest and most exciting part of all this is that there’s a real opportunity here to make really big changes, not just to accommodate unionists, but to allow for the fact that there are alternatives (very successfully employed in other areas) to our current system.

    Just a few which don’t necessarily relate to sectarian politics, but could be examined for better alternatives;

    1. The Westminster model of opposition politics
    2. Unitary state model
    3. The presidential role
    4. Our level of direct democracy

    If unity does go ahead, and all we do is change the flag and a few bits around the edges, those from a unionist and nationalist background should and would be rightly ashamed at our lack of imagination.

    I’m not saying rip everything up and start again, I’m not even saying the few listed above are wrong, but I am saying we need a little more imagination about what could be accomplished here.

  6. Isn’t this obvious? We’re talking about forming a brand new country here. Perfect opportunity for a fresh start.

  7. Keep or lose the flag and song, either way I don’t really mind. Unity will create a new all-island entity and I’m far more interested in talking about how that could make everybody’s life better than what shade of drapes are hanging from some pole.

    Gerry’s an old dinosaur who still clings to daft notions of “victory”. He can’t even bring himself to admit to his past, so it’s time to leave the Beardy Comedy Instagrandad to his reels.

  8. Ok, but we need Phil Coulter to be publicly executed first as an example, so no one suggests we use Ireland’s Call as the anthem.

  9. Everything should be on the table during unity negotiations: from flags and anthems to the Common Travel Area to voluntary repatriation schemes for the terminally butthurt to the role of religion in public life. Everyone needs to be at least placated, from the headbangers to the fencesitters, or we’ll make an Ostdeutschland of it, and that’s a fate worse than death.

  10. Bigger boobs and fake tan on the lady, maybe give her a 1690 tattoo on her knuckles to keep themmuns happy . And Maniac 2000 as the anthem ,with Jamie Bryson and the sister from Crystal Swing doing a duet on the shit rap bit

  11. I love our flag and anthem, but a united Ireland has to be a new thing, not just the Republic consuming the North.
    A new anthem and flag symbolising compromise and the coming together of the two historically divided sides of our island would be a wonderful thing to stand behind, actually. We’d feel as strongly about it in years to come as we do now about Amhrán na bhFiann and the green, white, and gold.

  12. Are these comments botted? The article is an opinion from May by a soon dead former politician, yet the replies would have you believe not only is a flag and anthem happening, but its already in the pipeline.

    Proper dead internet theory feeling in here…

  13. I agree, love the tricolour but Ireland is inhabited by people who aren’t catholic or protestant

  14. Why not just keep the current flag doubt big Gerry will have a say when it comes about anyway.

  15. Always said that the Northern Irish national anthem should be ‘God Save The King’ translated into Irish. Annoys everyone equally.

  16. Whilst I agree with the sentiment of the current Ireland flag, I can’t help but feel it’s been tarnished by The Troubles

  17. All awkward questions, but i could imagine a fudge, a continuing unofficial understanding as currently exists, or uk maintaining a presence in NI. I can’t imagine it ever being floated for the south.

  18. If you’re truly a nationalist, then you should value unity itself above the bells and trinket symbols that surround it.

  19. Wait, Gerry Adams is still relevant in modern politics? Could we not just bury these relics? (Literally or metaphorically, I don’t mind)

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