Drones swarmed a military base for days. The Pentagon still doesn’t know why.

Drones swarmed a military base for days. The Pentagon still doesn’t know why.


Posted by SirLadthe1st

  1. I hope that one day we will learn what all that UFO stuff was really about. I wonder, if it’s just some form of misinformation or is it actually legit and we live in illusion, but we can’t look behind the curtain.

    Universe is strange place, when we start to think about consciousness, time and quantum physics. We don’t really know much about this place. We don’t even know what actually makes us conscious. We just accept that there has to be some scientfic answer to that, but that’s not the case.

    Some time ago, some airport in China had to be temporarily close, because some UAP was observed there for hours and it seems like a lot more events like that happen and there’s never good explaination. It’s always reported as weather balloon or some other excuse.

  2. This is from the original WSJ article:

    “Over 17 days, the drones arrived at dusk, flew off and circled back. Some shone small lights, making them **look like a constellation moving in the night** sky—or a science-fiction movie, Kelly said, “‘Close Encounters at Langley.’” They also were nearly impossible to track, **vanishing each night despite a wealth of resources** deployed to catch them.

    Gen. Glen VanHerck, at the time commander of the U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, said drones had for years been spotted flying around defense installations. But the nightly drone swarms over Langley, he said, were **unlike any past incursion.**”

    “They were much smaller than military aircraft and **didn’t always show up on radar**. Military personnel had to recalibrate their radar systems, which were set to ignore anything that resembled a bird.”

    “Officials from agencies including the Defense Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the **Pentagon’s UFO** office joined outside experts to throw out possible explanations as well as ideas about how to respond.”

    I think UAP/UFO sightings are increasing. It is a phenomenon that is being noticed worldwide, though everyone has been assuring the world “It’s just due to increased detection”, like China:

    China military uses AI to track rapidly increasing UFOs | South China Morning Post


    There has also been quite some rustling in Congress about UAP too, whistleblowers and the UAP Disclosure act (Seriously, just read the draft of the bill, it’s science fiction proposed as reality by Mike Schumer and Rubio)

    That’s why they’re not shooting these down, they can’t do anything to them. The pictures of them look pretty wild, they’re 20ft long with vibrant lights. Hardly a covert object. r/UFOs has seen some interesting posts from Langley recently:

    From around the same time in Langley:


    From a couple of days ago:


    Something’s going on here. Think twice when you’re told that some mystery force is flying fleets of 20 ft long drones over our most sensitive facilities and we can’t do anything about it. Our defense budget is larger than the next 10 countries combined… What do you mean fleets of 20 ft long drones are vanishing?

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