Interviews for subs and halftime?

Sorry if this has been posted already but I couldn’t find anything.

It seems like the premier league is looking to Implement new rules in favour of broadcasters, such as 1) Interviews for Subbed off players 2) halftime interviews.

Personally I hate the idea of it, unlike American sports a match only lasts 90 minutes. I’m not in favour of access to players mid game… imagine an angry player being subbed off and forced to do an interview. That’s a disaster waiting to happen.

Keen to hear your take.

by Significant_Bag585

  1. I hate the idea and I don’t think any team would welcome the possibility for a tactic flub before the end of the game.

  2. Yeah for players its just not right. Some channels do get short halftime manager interviews. I think TNT and or maybe Prime.

  3. They do this in America for just about every sport and I can’t imagine a single human who enjoys it, except maybe the parents of the broadcaster

  4. They already did it with Brentford they trial everything with them which is funny cos they would throw them under the bus at any opportunity like the Toney situation proved haha

  5. When BT first came on the scene they started trying this…. interviewing the manager during the game etc and it was fucking horrible to watch.

    They soon stopped

  6. I wonder what the penalty for ignoring this would be. It’s not like the broadcaster can break down the door to the dressing room

  7. I think it’d be funny cause all that’s gonna happen is that the lowest coach on the totem pole will be interviewed, or a coach will be hired who’s sole job is to do this interview.

  8. Y’all are making a much bigger deal about this than it is. These things are meaningless in North American Sports.

    I do wonder what the PL version of, “We gotta get pucks deep, get pucks on net” is though.

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