Quiet fireworks

Good to see a reduced noise firework display.

Ideally they also need to stop those bright flashes of colour in the sky.

What we want is a silent gentle firework display. Just a small glow of light in the far distance.
Nothing too exciting.

by wallabyspinach

  1. Reduced noise aka “we will play a YouTube video of random fireworks on mute!!”

    Edit: joke to the downvoters, if it wasn’t clear

  2. I know everyone here is saying that it’s taking the fun out of things, but there are a lot of issues with loud fireworks for untold cats, dogs, people with autism, people with PTSD etc, so it’s good for them.

  3. I set up one or two of these shows when I did pyrotechnics, and was told there was always one or two that the manufacturer got wrong (as what happened to us)

  4. This is great! Fireworks can be extremely distressing for pets, livestock, and people.

    Terrifying for people who have experienced war, which sadly we have increasing numbers of.

    More quiet fireworks please!

  5. Oh no, they’re being considerate of animals and people with certain different needs such as mental health concerns and PTSD! God forbid! Whatever is the world coming to?!

  6. I’m all for this in built up areas, keep the loud and really big ones for organised events.

    When my kids were little and the odd years I’ve had to work, didn’t appreciate being woken several times until early morning by stupidly loud fireworks.

  7. Laser light shows have become a big hit recently, and for the rich buggers, drone shows. Significantly more enjoyable than fireworks……..Remember my poor dog trying to dig through the hard floor under the dining room table as a kid. I’d sit under there covering his ears until they stopped. Hated them ever since.

  8. We got a box of fireworks last year. None of them made a whooshing noise as they went up, and none exploded with a bang. And our kids still loved them.

  9. I like loud fireworks and consider it part of the show. I would be disappointed if the show I go to every year changed to this but it’s great that there’s options for people that don’t enjoy the loud bangs

  10. Both my dog and I approve of this.

    Collecchio in Italy has a law that requires all fireworks to be noiseless due to the stress it puts on Animals, and various groups of people.

    If your main attraction to fireworks is a loud bang, I suggest a large metal pot over the head and a wooden spoon. It’s local and less intrusive to others.

    Similarly, if you need the audio Cue to determine if one has indeed, gone pop, I suggest Specsavers. Visually, there’s a very large and colourful indicator to a successful firework, if like myself, you struggle with vision, we have very talented people who are trained to help, or indeed, tell you there’s something you or your guide dog may have forgotten about your visual acuity.

  11. I’m from Northern Ireland and when I was a kid (during The Troubles) fireworks were basically banned. We used to have “indoor fireworks”. Dave Allen has a good sketch about indoor fireworks for anyone interested. You set the firework, which looked a bit like an incense cone) on a board and lit it. It would then burn a weird colour and expand into some kind of foam thing. Some were snake shaped and others were just plain weird. Whole thing was bizarre now I think about it. At least this sounds more fun and exciting than indoor fireworks.

  12. It’s presumably intended for small children, people with sensory issues, etc. It’s also more considerate of pets. I think it’s a great idea!

  13. Not to mention the amount of pollution we throw up into the air every fireworks night and new years.

  14. for 3 weeks a year, the uk government be like


    ….yours to buy

    …please, do enjoy”

  15. This would probably be more colourful with more sparkles .

    What’s more important? Loudest bangs or just having a good colourful time, and taking care of each other, pets and the wildlife while we are at it.

    If anything, this should be the standard!

  16. Yay, Kidlington! 😊 I was scrolling and thought, that looks familiar. We’re planning to go. I don’t like the bangs and am interested to see what this will be like.

  17. I hate fireworks because of the noise. I don’t understand how people can be like “oh wow that sounds like a war, that’s fun, let’s bring the kids”. People who call the police on raves will give the local wildlife a fucking heart attack every November to celebrate a half century old political dispute. But it’s cool you’re giving every bird in the park PTSD because you like the noise go bang bang bang. Fireworks are for idiots.

  18. I generally prefer the quiet fireworks. Not just because they are less annoying to dogs and neighbours but because they do all the fancy flashing stuff right at ground level in front of everyone. They seem more fun to watch, especially in your own garden.

  19. If you don’t like fireworks that don’t make a lot of noise put a saucepan over your head and whack it with a hammer every time you feel like you’re missing out.

  20. I don’t know what’s worse with fireworks; the terrified animals or the whinging from dog owners.

  21. I wish that was the norm. Fireworks only have to be pretty, there’s no reason for them to be so bloody loud. There is no point to the bangers that just make noise. 

  22. I’d love a firework display where the (quiet) explosions in the sky spelled out the word “bang”! This might lead to a whole new genre by using old batman vocabulary. So we could have “kerpow”!
    And “splat” and etc
    I’d really enjoy a funny fireworks event.

  23. I would like to go to the increased noise version. I like it when you can feel them in your chest.

  24. Watched a display last year. Was pretty lacklustre, to be honest, but I understand why we need it.

  25. I’d prefer a non-existent display but this is a step in the right direction. As in, away from selling throwable explosives to teenagers.

  26. Anybody who has experienced a pet that can’t tolerate the loud bangs will know how heartbreaking it is to witness something you love going through so much stress.

    It’s not so bad if it was just the pre-arranged official public shows that you can plan for, but when you have folk setting them off in their backyard every day at random times for weeks on end it becomes very stressful for pets and owners.

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