2024 election: What happens if Harris sweeps Democrats into power

2024 election: What happens if Harris sweeps Democrats into power


by peterst28

  1. Snippets from the article (focusing on topics of most interest to this group):

    **If** [**Vice President Kamala Harris**](https://www.axios.com/politics-policy/kamala-harris-us-election-2024) **wins** the election and Democrats flip the House and keep the Senate, the U.S. would witness a powerful resurgence of progressive policymaking across virtually every sector.

    * Democrats would be expected to move quickly on climate, health care and social justice reforms, and to reverse tax cuts for those making more than $400,000 a year.
    * But big expansions would be tough: Even if Democrats [defy expectations](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/10/us/politics/senate-polls-montana-florida-texas.html) by keeping the Senate, a narrow majority may not be enough to override the filibuster on Harris’ top priorities.


    * Democrats would likely expand clean energy subsidies, providing incentives for solar, wind and electric vehicle adoption.
    * A carbon border adjustment mechanism could be implemented, imposing tariffs on imports from countries with weaker environmental standards.
    * Major investments in public transportation, electric vehicle infrastructure and energy-efficient housing would be on the horizon.
    * Fossil fuels and carbon-dependent industries would face stricter regulations. That could disrupt the energy market, boosting renewables and potentially hurting traditional energy sectors like oil and gas.
    * The U.S. would show stronger leadership on global climate agreements. But an aggressive environmental push could meet fierce opposition from industries facing higher compliance costs.

    Foreign Policy:

    * Harris has affirmed her ironclad support for Israel’s right to defend itself, but she’d face pressure from progressives to condition military aid or find other ways to end the regional war in the Middle East. Tensions are likely to run high with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    * After a years-long surge in migration, Harris has vowed to sign a bipartisan border bill that includes new restrictions on asylum. But with full control of Congress, Democrats would also push for broader reforms to the immigration system, like a pathway to citizenship for undocumented people brought to the U.S. as children.

  2. I would rather see permitting reform over more solar subsidies that we just passed in the inflation reduction act. I’d take transmission subsidies, but those would also need permitting changes.

  3. Middle and working class republicans will once again be dragged,kicking and screaming into a better future for themselves.

  4. …and a LOT of red-hatted, simple folk will flip their collective shit and start looking for better ways to express their unending hate for everyone who is non-white (mostly Mexicans, blacks, Asians, Mexicans again, females without children. anyone from a “shithole country” like France or Maylasia or Canada or pretty much any country that isn’t the US, people who think guns should be at least as hard to get as a driver’s license, the entirety of the LGBTQIA2SAA-verse, and people who read books.

    What fun that would be.

  5. Childcare

    refund ACA with the $2000 tax for everyone.

    destroy gerrymandering

    lifetime limit on federal judges, including supremes.

    Historical taxes on the wealthy

    A new voting rights bill, with telephone voting for those who want it.

    massive infrastructure and climate change bill.

  6. The very first thing will be Republican-led conspiracies, lawsuits and illegal procedural fuckery in swing state governments that attempt to block or not certify the results. A couple of states such as Georgia will likely succeed in illegally blocking a legitimate Harris win – they’ve been building the loyalty buffer in the election/secretary of state office for 4 years and have what they need to do it. The second/simultaneous thing will be acts of violence committed against election officials and state governments which DO certify the results of a Harris win. Between the election and January 20,there will be straight up maga terrorist attacks against election infrastructure. Despite these imminent coup attempts, on January 6 Kamala Harris, the VP and president of the senate, will certify the results of her victory. I expect that is when maga will start trying to kill her – and they will never stop. Provided we make it past that with some degree of otherwise normal process, she will be sworn in January 20 2025. Beyond that, I don’t expect her presidency to be radically different from Biden’s – a socially liberal centrism that indulges Republicans and corporate lobbies too much on fossil fuels and ends up achieving half-measures and bloated compromise legislation that takes too long, with flecks of gold for middle class here and there.

  7. As much as I want it to be so. The data says this is highly unlikely outcome. The best you get is her or trump with a decided dead lock congress. Sorry to burst the hope bubble better luck next time.

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