Israel is a rogue nation. It should be removed from the United Nations

Israel is a rogue nation. It should be removed from the United Nations

Posted by stuckollg

  1. What would removing really do though? They’re not going to stop or change their “tactics”. They have shown that they really don’t care what the UN thinks

  2. Iran hangs kids for protesting…. Assad gasses his own people… Russia invaded Ukraine: But expel israel. Lol. The country has its citizens slaughtered by a terrorist group, has another terrorist group to the north fore thousands of rockets at it, another terrorist regime to the east fires 181 ballistic missiles…and yet Mehdi is silent. Expel Mehdi

  3. This is so stupid. Go ahead, make a standard and expel all who don’t meet it. Or…just single out the only Jewish state.

    Then again every year the UN has more resolutions against Israel than the rest of the world combined, so it really would be on brand for the UN to be even bigger hypocrites.

  4. … Right… And what message EXACTLY are you sending to Israel? 

    That a body that has made more resolutions against their country than against any other country… What, no longer wants to talk to them anymore? Give them even LESS incentive to give a shit about what the UN thinks than they already do?

    Aside from the fact that the UN isn’t a government and has no real power or authority, are we trying to simplify Israel’s job here? Because kicking them out of the UN doesn’t solve anything, it just tells them they get to keep doing what they’re already doing, but NOW they no longer need to pay a diplomat to listen to the UN whining about them. It’s more like loosening the leash of a pitbull than fixing anything. 

    And anyone who thinks Israel will come back, begging to be readmitted, has a screw loose.

    I mean, unless your country wants to declare war on them solely because they’re kicked out of the UN…? Because I’m failing to see how Israel suffers from this as a result.

  5. If they’re kicked out of the UN, could member states then begin to denounce their recognition of the Israeli state?

     Seeing as the UN had a big hand in recognising it in the first place. 146 formal recognitions of Palestine now, it would he an interesting scenario to see play out where more states recognise Palestine than recognise israel.

    No doubt the Knesset would use it as an excuse declare the UN a terrorist organisation itself then go on n to increase their war crime tally.

  6. I don’t believe removing Israel from the UN will do anything good. Instead , Israel’s most powerful allies like the US, UK, Germany, France etc. need to start holding israel responsible for whatever the latter does.

  7. The UN is showing how useless it has become. We still need organisations such as the ITU and UNICEF, but on the other hand the WHO has been completely useless. The UN itself should be disbanded and just keep the few entities that are currently under the UN that actually make a good job.

    By the way, Switzerland only joined in 2003. Countries don’t need the UN.

  8. The UNs strength is as a forum for the world stage. It’s an option for talks between warmongers and victims, for enemies to talk in a large room about why they justify their actions. That’s not great but when the alternative is only war, it’s really quite civilised.

    The UN is not the ‘world police’ people think it is, it’s just a space for discussions. The downside of this is it doesn’t have a strong effect on a country that fundamentally doesn’t care about diplomacy, or their allies. I get why it’s seen as ineffective, and countries routinely lie and deceive, but you don’t kick people out of your inclusive club. 

    It would ruin the UN concept, and The alternative is a pre-league of nations style diplomacy, largely governed by a few countries.

  9. Ah yes sure, the same UN that have Iran and Saudi Arabia as the leaders of the women’s rights committee and Human rights committee respectively. A good bunch of the UN comprises of fanatic dictatorships, I can’t understand why people take them seriously…

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