Macron warns Netanyahu he ‘must not forget’ Israel was created by UN decision

Macron warns Netanyahu he ‘must not forget’ Israel was created by UN decision

Posted by ObjectiveObserver420

  1. I’d argue it was the various Jewish milita groups that later formed the IDF are actually what created Israel. A declaration of independence, or a UN resolution, even a Security Council vote, are just pieces of paper saying something, formally creating a state means nothing if said state is not backed by any force.

    Ask the Afghan Republican government how UN resolutions and recognition of legitimacy is working out for them right now.

  2. Netanyahu and his supporters do not care, they want to destroy the UN. They will answer that either Israel was given by god to the jews or that Jews created it themselves by ‘making the desert bloom’. Incidentally, the UN pre decolonisation reflected much more closely the interests of the wealthy capitalist core than it does today.

  3. Real “We brought you into this world , we can take you out of it” energy.

    It’s about time we started seeing more world leaders pushing back properly on the need to respect international law and the rules based order.

  4. This statement is the perfect encapsulation of how the French state does not view non-european states as equal. “We created you, we can destroy you.” Not only does it imply French/European authority over other states but also implies moral and judicial authority. It’s a perfect reminder that most of Europe and in particular France never stopped seeing everyone else as colonies in waiting.

    The idea that European states can/could decide the existence of other states is a sad reminder that European imperialism never disappeared it only abated.

  5. The same UN decision that was immediately violated via invasion? The one which Israel had to fight off on their own while the UN just sat back and watched? At best getting fragile ceasefires that lasted days?

    Yeah that must have been the one

  6. “The ~~~ring~~~ Israel was made in the fires of ~~~Mount Doom~~~ the UN. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into ~~~Mordor~~~ the UN and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came”

    – Macron, master of Rivendell

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