Hydref: call of the stag (Autumn)

hydref: autumn

Hydref: October

Hydd: stag, hart

Bref: a bleat/call

Brefu: bleating

Mae’r anifail hwn yn brefu: This animal is bleating

Hen enwau eraill gan y Cymry ar fis Hydref yw Mis y Mêl, a Mis y Gwin:
Other old Welsh names for the month of October are Mis y Mêl, and Mis y Gwin

Mis y Mêl: month of the honey (mis mêl: honeymoon)

Mis y Gwin: month of the wine

Mae’n dod o’r adeg hon o’r flwyddyn pan fydd y carw a’r hydd yn brefu i ddenu cymar:
It comes from this time of year when the deer and the stag are rutting to attract a mate.

Adeg: time/period
o’r flwyddyn: of the year
Carw: deer
Hydd: stag
Denu: attract
Cymar: mate/partner

by Joshua Morgan, Sketchy Welsh

by SketchyWelsh

1 comment
  1. Would be very interested in this as a calender if that’s something you’re considering or already provide?

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