Posted by GoMx808-0

  1. Isn’t that where Hannibal soaked the fava beans in water before he served them with liver?

  2. This would be funny if it wasn’t so painful true. MAGA is hiding with him as they can’t face the truth that this orange clown isn’t their messiah.

  3. Not trump’s first time hiding in the basement.

    That chickenshit hid in the basement of the White House when BLM protesters were marching in DC.

    trump is a well-established coward.

  4. I am waiting patiently for the hand puppet trump to appear.. ~Speaking out the side of his mouth.
    “I don’t know I think Trump won that election..”
    “Mr sock you’re so wise”

  5. This week he had 40 minutes with voters to hear their questions and concerns and he squandered it like everything else. To *dance.* Poorly.

  6. “We can’t have a two-tiered system of justice! No one is above the law! Donald Trump needs to be treated differently than everyone else! Donald Trump is above the law!”


  7. He must know he is only being floated by billionaires who have zero confidence in him, just using his skibidi carcass to advance their own cartoon supervillain ideology. Please don’t let Peter Theif steal our Democracy using these choads. I keep praying for our kids and grandkids that they aren’t left to a fascist freak off.

  8. All I’m hearing on conservative talk radio is that Kamala isn’t doing many interviews and is choosing friendly ones for those that she does do.

    If all you listen to is conservative media, this is just what you believe. If you didn’t watch the debate but listen to Jimmy fella or Mark Levan or whatever, your reality is simply that Trump swept the floor with Kamala at the debate despite ABC teaming up on him.

  9. He’s releasing his tax records any day now. Just as soon as that darn audit is complete. Hate to break the law ya know…

  10. The Founding Farter is holed up in the basement, and hopefully they have no open flames present.

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