‘Sober Up…’: Putin Mocks Zelensky Over Ukraine’s Victory Plan | Kremlin Breaks Silence

‘Sober Up…’: Putin Mocks Zelensky Over Ukraine’s Victory Plan | Kremlin Breaks Silence

The Kremlin urges Ukraine to reconsider its strategies as President Zelenskiy’s “victory plan” aims for a resolution to the conflict by next year. The plan emphasizes military and political strategies, including NATO membership, while Ukraine remains firm that any cease-fire must prevent future invasions. Analysts warn that inaction could lead to increased losses for Ukraine amidst ongoing pressure from Western allies.

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  1. Poor Zely the convict tries surrendering, new plans, more begging for money and armor but together with his loser Western crooks fail to grasp how they destroyed themselves! 😂

  2. Poutine est un malade comme il a commencé cette guerre mais l'arrêté s'est impossible Poutine ne résonne plus en plus il faut être stupide pour rigoler de la guerre qui a provoque par s'est intérêt personnel et le pouvoir d'être président de la russie de faire se qui veux du monde entier s'est pas en restant d'accord avec Poutine parce que le commerce qu'on fait avec Poutine on paye les matières premières quand un dirigeant comme Poutine agit mal on le dit parce que cette guerre prend des problèmes dans le monde entier moi je rigole pas avec les morts russes et ukrainienne et les civiles et la destruction des tout besoin d'un pays alors se meurtrier criminel de poutine s'est pas très réjouissant d'agir de cette façon la si Poutine raisonné pas s'est qui a un problème moral

  3. Zelensky is like a crazy guy. He felt like he was standing in the middle of a quagmire, the more he tried to mess around, the deeper he sank. Crazy to get into Nato. Then the country was devastated and the people suffered. Then America and Nato will abandon him like Vietnam and Afghanistan😢😢

  4. Zelensky is is a bumbling fool, how can you have such an idiot running the country, he has a plan all right by the time he is finish there will be no men left in the Ukraine

  5. 1. Nato membership can only happen when a country is not at war. Fact, this is in their doctorine, so why keep pushing. 2 all the countries in Nato have with the exception of 2 been supplying arms to Ukraine not only at the begining of the war but stock pilling Ukraine since 2014 , so we could say unofficially Ukraine is actually a secrete unelected member of NATO holdng a back door key instead of a front door pass. 3. Sanctions have not worked plus all the arms sent to UKraine have failed. 4. Most of the Ukrainian army either has been killed or deserted. Many have fled the country never to return and 25 percent of the land lost to not only one of the strongest and largest armys in the world, but he is fightng against the country with the most nuclear weapons, so how an earth can this clown believe he will be victoreous.Finally what drug or Brain washing method has the CAA and MI6 been carrying out on the clown called Zelensky.

  6. Predicable – Putin knows he’s in trouble. Shouldn’t have started in in the first place and is desperately trying to prevent further western support.

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