OTD 15 years ago, Darren Bent scored that beach ball goal against Liverpool

OTD 15 years ago, Darren Bent scored that beach ball goal against Liverpool

by TheBiasedSportsLover

  1. 15 years? I am getting old af 😭. I remember it vividly. Iirc it was a Liverpool fan (young lad) who was responsible for the beach ball.

  2. It’s the only goal he is famous for and according to the laws of the game should have been disallowed 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. One of the funniest moments in premier league history, from the ginger shit-boy who threw it in, to Reina actually saving the beach ball. Added hilarity is English refs being shit as always and not knowing the actual rules of the game they are paid to referee (should have been disallowed, foreign object on the pitch).

  4. I’ve started watching the PL about 10 years ago so I’ve never seen this before. When I saw the “beach ball goal” in the title, I thought it was some weird description of a special kick. Didn’t know it meant an actual beach ball was involved 😂

  5. Die hard red. This was only ever on us. Freak goal, yes but it was a fucking Liverpool branded ball, put on the pitch by a fucking dickhead, who was also a red and no one at any point thought to kick it off the pitch or pop it or something. It wasn’t small. Still admittedly, a fucking mad goal to either score or concede. I wonder what VAR would say about this in today’s game. Even as a red, I stand by the fact it should stand in today’s game.

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