Russland bekräftigt sein Versprechen, Nordkorea im Falle eines Angriffs militärische Hilfe zu leisten

Russland bekräftigt sein Versprechen, Nordkorea im Falle eines Angriffs militärische Hilfe zu leisten

  1. Like they vowed to respect Ukrainian sovereignty and borders in exchange for Ukraine giving up nuclear weapons?

    Russia’s word is only good while it’s convenient for them.

  2. I saw some other headlines about 10k DPRK troops fighting with Russia in Ukraine, but many of them are fleeing. Another about North Korea conscripting 1.4 million soldiers for a “holy war.” Now this.

    Who knows how reliable news from North Korea is, but with this closer Russian alliance and all the other shit they’ve been doing, they might feel emboldened to start something.

  3. Russia, you are already overwhelmed by Ukraine. Sit down, you are not in any position to save anybody

  4. “USA helps Sweden with joint CF exercises” – who the hell will attack them! Russia? – Upvoted

    This one – ah yes dude, you can’t be so smart can you? reddit 🤡

  5. For all we know the assistance will be a single carrier pigeon to help with communications.

  6. It’s a great deal for Russia but a terrible one for North Korea if the pact is mutual.

  7. Didn’t they vowed to do the same to Armenia? And then failed to do so? And how’s China handling with that info, knowing that NK is someone else’s bitch now?

  8. Just a reminder that this is happening because we didn’t hit Russia hard enough, and that China and Iran are waiting in line.

    These countries only understand force, not reason. 

  9. But they have asked NK for military assistance because they don’t have enough manpower to face down Ukraine without having to do a general mobilisation. And Putler doesn’t want a general mobilisation because he knows it’ll probably mean the end for him.

    So if NK is attacked, all they have are nukes, submarines and a coal fired carrier that’ll have to be towed to the theatre….

  10. Right, similar assistance like Armenia when attacked? Please. Once a deadbeat, always a deadbeat.

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