He knows how to use the water … how to use the sand … he knows how to use sand and the water. So, he is a climatologist.

Posted by vulcan_on_earth

  1. well said! i’d like to add, and i’ll just say this, and it’s the truth, it’s tremendous and people tell me, they say, and this is true, they say that, and i have this, i have this in writing, and it’s what everyone knows and they know it and you know it, i know it, and let me tell you, it’s tremendous

  2. “I still can’t decide. He’s a billionaire and knows how to build things. Kamala has never used sand and water to build things…”

    What is wrong with America can’t be fixed.

  3. Fuck I shouldn’t have read this in the morning, now I’m going to have a headache all day. The fact that half the country thinks he should be president is depressing and scary.

  4. Translation: “Imma gonna buy up land and truck in sand for breach resorts. Then I’ll hire immigrants to staff ’em”

  5. This is his rotten brain trying to find the word “concrete.” Because someone said something to him once about concrete and climate change (an actual thing) and there’s concrete involved in nuclear plants and there’s concrete getting eaten away by seawater in buildings in Florida, where he has buildings….this is his best effort at…something.

  6. Wow how can you not vote for this guy?? Climatologist, Gynecologist, Economics wizard, Father of IVF, nuclear physicist. He’s amazing!! /s

  7. If he has 1 more property deal, he’ll end up putting the wrong name on the building because he can barely remember his name for most of the day.

  8. The real global warming is nuclear? Is he talking about nuclear war? The guy that wanted to nuke a hurricane?

    I thought the environmental danger of nuclear weapons was nuclear winter.

  9. Weave this man a nice wicker chair so he can sit down and yell at the sun instead of bothering us

  10. It is weird that everyone made such a big deal out of Biden’s cognitive slips but so many are willing to ignore Trump’s even worse mental decline. Is this really the guy we want to have access to the nuclear codes???

  11. The dude is a MORON leading morons.

    Vote for Kamala Harris and save America from the nightmare of trump

  12. Now… there is a snippet of knowledge….a little crumb, I think that lingers around after someone mentioned nuclear and rising oceans in the same breath!

    I knew a nuclear power plant inspector and there are actually a couple around the coast that could be in big trouble if the ocean rises too much. We discussed this over a bottle of tequila one night.

  13. It is very telling of the far right that they think people like Trump, Musk, Rogan, and Peterson are intelligent, coherent, eloquent orators.

    Conservative politics are the Nigerian Prince of the political world, a grift targeting te dumbest rubes around.

  14. My mother in law had Alzheimer’s and she started talking like this about six months before she died. She thought she was making perfect sense.

    She never called it “the weave” though.

  15. Realtrump translation: _Ocean will rise an eighth of an inch in 300 years, so what? I’ll be dead in a couple years. Just let me be president and do whatever I want. I’ll be gone in a few years and you can deal with this terrible world yourself_

  16. How can anyone hear this disjointed nonsense and think “let’s make this man our president!”

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