Blaze destroys multimillion-euro German fire station that had no alarms

Blaze destroys multimillion-euro German fire station that had no alarms

by tempsecond

  1. I think someone might have not understood the assingnment when told to build a “fire station”.

  2. > But Schäfer said it was not legally required to have a fire alarm because it belonged to the local municipality and was classified as a building holding equipment, not a fire station.


  3. TLDR coffee break summary

    A state-of-the-art fire station in Stadtallendorf, Germany, burned down due to the absence of a fire alarm, which wasn’t legally required because the building was classified as storing equipment. The fire caused €20-24 million in damage and destroyed ten engines. The incident has sparked calls to review fire safety regulations, highlighting a loophole in the classification system. The suspected cause was a malfunctioning battery charger, and rebuilding efforts will likely push for stricter safety measures.

  4. > No one was injured although 10 fire engines were destroyed.

    Strategically excellent play by the Fire though…

  5. My favourite bit of info about this is from another article in German reading: “Über eine Ausstattung mit einem Feueralarm wird debattiert.”

    So for the eventual rebuild of the fire station they are still DEBATING whether they need to install a fire alarm. Like you are still debating this???

  6. You just *know* there were so, so many sarcastic jokes made when they were fitting this out, about fire stations never needing alarms.

  7. Unfortunately its not up to the Firefighters to fit alarms. Thats decided by a chaircommando

  8. >Whether a future structure would be fitted with a fire alarm system would be a matter for discussion, officials said.

    why would it be a matter for discussion?

    also to make the situation even worse, the fire station in question had finished construction just last year

  9. >Whether a future structure would be fitted with a fire alarm system would be a matter for discussion, officials said.

    why would it be a matter for discussion?

    also to make the situation even worse, the fire station in question had finished construction just last year

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