by Choopse

  1. Not to minimize this, but of course, for lesbian couples there are… alternatives.

  2. Italy like most of the western world is facing all kinds of trouble, including massively declining birth rates. So it makes sense that they’re focused on what’s really important…

    Stopping loving gay couples from having children…

  3. the law prohibite evryone to make surrogacy and punish also who make it in another state and then come back to italy

  4. It was already illegal in Italy, This law just makes it illegal to seek surrogacy elsewhere also

    I’m also pretty sure it’s illegal for LGBTQ couples to adopt aswell, so it’s literally just putting up another barrier to stop gay people being allowed to become parents

  5. Was the headline choosen because it’s a right government? Surrogating is forbidden in many western countries and it has nothing to do with gay couples

  6. The news is wrong. Surrogacy was already illegal in italy. Those who wanted to use it, had to go abroad. With this new law, every Italian citizen who has a child through surrogacy, even abroad, commits a crime.

  7. Eh, not a big fan of surrogacy…

    But gay parents should be able to adopt. That’s it, fair and square.

  8. No this bans surrogacy, which can be seen as human trafficking and has nothing to do with gay couples.

    Commercial surrogacy is illegal in most European countries.

  9. FYI, almost 300 Italian families had a child through surrogacy this past, 90 % of those were straight couples, so this is primarily less of an LGBT related issue, unlike what this article is saying just to get some clicks. Not saying that this doesn’t affect LGBT couples, mind you. They are already fucked by these shit policies. Their marriage isn’t recognized, they can’t adopt, and now they have basically zero chance of having a child of their own

    The biggest question this raises is how is Italian mommy pegger going to actually enforce this? How do you prove a baby was born through surrogacy (if the baby isn’t genetically related to the surrogate), and does this ban actually have any bearing outside of the country?

  10. The country you live in can be changed. Move away and be happy.

    Fuck everyone that puts his own beliefs in front of you happiness

  11. When the worst person you know does something good (surrogacy in itself is very harmful for women, period)

    Edit: typo

  12. Surrogacy is a concept that relies on exploitation of poor women. It shouldn’t be possible to buy a baby from a another mother.

  13. For third party IVF this is a good thing regardless of their sexualities but if it’s for adoption as well it’s just homophobic and dumb.

  14. Remember when you were all mocking leftists talking about this kind of thing and how they were worried?

    Vote cunt, get cunt.

    Sucks to suck Italy.

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