Passengers SEETHING as “barred” from disembarking

Passengers SEETHING as “barred” from disembarking

After being held onboard for two hours passengers were told only those with “Spanish residency or visas” would be allowed off “because of Brexit.”

Passengers felt like hostages.

Brexit caused chaotic scenes onboard easyJet flight when it arrived at Malaga airport late after bad weather prevented it landing in Gibraltar.

How Brexit ensured Britain lost control of #ChagosIslands

The Chagos issue was referred to the ICJ in 2017 by the UN because most European nations abstained from the vote, a direct consequence of Brexit.

From @qz 27.2.19: “Now desperate to secure trade deals with African countries and India, which retains strong cultural and economic ties with Mauritius, it is unlikely that the UK could afford a lengthy dispute. A negotiated settlement is likely, where the Chagossians could be paid compensation and a gradual return to the other islands in the archipelago, pending a resolution with the US about Diego Garcia.

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 When Brexit campaigners were voting to ‘take back control of their country’, they were enabling an African island nation half a world away to do exactly that? Another manifestation of the law of unintended consequences.”

🇬🇧 UK’s Brexit helped free Mauritius’ Chagos islands


  1. Not sure what happened but as long as they had a U.K. passport, which the airline normally require and would have been required to get into Gibraltar, then they would have been able to enter Spain as a tourist as no visa is required. As long as the British Citizen had not breached the 90 day rule then they should have been fine. There is possibly more to this story than is being reported here.

  2. Spain has the right to refuse entry to us as foreigners but normally I am sure they would allow disemarkation and holding in the airport. In Europe we Brits must fill in the appropriate forms before travelling into Spain. The Islands had nothing to with Brexit but rather the legal challenges in the law courts. The story of these island is appalling and anyone who feels this was a bad decision is just an imperialist.

  3. I agree with all this, but am struggling to see what Brexit has got to do with the Chagos Islands. Surely, even if we were still in the EU (I wish…) exactly the same what would happened with regard to that issue (??)

  4. Who was this "intellectually challenged" Brexiteer in the last interview? 🤣🤣🤣"We are losing 4% GDP every year, but the EU is losing some, too" 🤣🤣🤣Basically, "Yes, we could have played win/win and would be much better off and the EU as well. But we prefer to play loose/loose and loose more than the EU because it is all about sovereignty". I hope the passengers standing on the Malaga airport tarmac enjoyed their sovereignty of 'sorry, without a visa, you are no longer welcome in Spain'. British exceptionalism and pluckiness hard at work." 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Spain : Taking back control, piece by piece. I bet the EU as a bloc is quite glad the UK decided to give up its veto on EU rules. And after observing the large majority of people who go from the UK to Spain, I imagine Spain is very happy to be able to not let them in…

  6. From reading an article, this wasn't the decision of Spanish authorities as the British who did get off were able to get their passports stamped and continue. It was EasyJet that was stopping them.

  7. The English wanted to leave the EU but if they want to travel they would like to travel freely within the EU.

    They chose Brexit themselves and they must also bear the consequences.
    The thinking is we are Brits so all must listen to us

  8. F.idiots. A little bit of common sense please. It wasn‘t a particularly clever decision, to leave the EU. But the EU should have the grandeur to be pragmatic. This is why people turn against the EU. An missed opportunity to show humanity and generosity. Very sad. Both lost, when both had a chance to win.

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