Is North Korea sending troops to the Ukraine war to help Russia?

Is North Korea sending troops to the Ukraine war to help Russia?

RFA Korean’s Hye Jun Soe reports:

South Korea’s spy agency said that North Korea has decided to send “large-scale” troops to support Russia’s war in Ukraine, with 1,500 special forces already in Russia’s Far East undergoing training.

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  1. I can’t tell you this is probably not true because there’s no way Russia has suffered severe losses just like it’s not true that Ukraine is remotely winning anything. It’s all bullshit. Ukraine was never going to win and they won’t no matter what. If they stood a chance then they would have won a long time ago and Russia won’t have nukes.

  2. I hope so. Ukraine will be paying us back when Trump is president. He has to be nice to him right now in order to negotiate. But the majority of America was not cool with any money going to them.

  3. USA feeding on crap

    Americans hear about a problem and its poor me poor me
    I have to pay for this and that
    I d i o t s
    To the ones who comment oh its coming out of my pocket
    No one is taking your welfare check that im paying for😂😂😂😂
    And educate your self

  4. If trump win absolutely way more help for Russia. No more help to Ukraine from trump. Imagine he want to leave NATO. THE END IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK.

  5. Now the whole world will be watching UP what will happen to those that are AGAINST ISRAEL the Enemies Of Israel , if are machines will be dust , and if they are flesh they will be meat for the 🦅 birds that YHVH will send to eat them . Our GOD of WONDERS ALELUYA WILL DO THIS FOR Us His people . The enemies of YHVH are having for nothing His adversaries too are vanity. In my prayers I EXALT HIS NAME ! I trust in Him . Those who don’t honor HIS NAME IN JESUS CHRIST will be ashamed won’t have forgiveness. They are betrayers cus they believe more at the Anti christ that operates over them the false gods . And took in his lips that Name THAT IS UPON any other name in vain . And for convenience , but we are packers of his kingdom While Israel was sleeping for his unbelievable in The SON OF THE LORD YASHUA H. ELOHIM WORK FOR 2,000 and made a New body of kings and priests. And because HIS SPIRIT DWELLS IN HIS BODY , Now ISRAEL Enter and take action . You are the girl OF HIS EYES , ONE IS OUR GOD ! and if He is with us , who will be against us . ALELUYA TO HIM ! ELOHIM MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH . If you have ears hear what the SPIRIT SAYS To HIS CHURCH TILL EVERY THING WILL BE DONE . AMEN ! . PRAISES TO THE LORD OF ISRAEL !!!. We won’t be afraid of the enemy of our souls . We trust in OUR ETERNAL FOR EVER GOD ……! Shalom ! .

  6. I had heard online that North Korea was possibly sending 12,000 troops to assist Russia in their war with Ukraine. I also heard that an estimated 1,000 Russian troops are dying every day. If those estimates are accurate, it would be possible for every North Korean soldier to be killed in Russia’s war in less than two weeks !! The troops under Communist dictators are nothing but pawns in an absurd chess game !!

  7. North Korea's determination to join the Russian invaders shows NATO's cowardice. Worse, some countries want to please Putin in the hope that he will forgive them from invading their countries in the future.

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