I Was Blown Away by the American Military Budget – European Reacts

I Was Blown Away by the American Military Budget – European Reacts

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My name is André, and as a European (Portuguese), I always strive to bring a unique perspective to the topics I tackle. All my reaction videos are crafted with a playful and entertaining twist!At least I try… 🌍

✔️ European Reacts – As a European, I’m Shocked by How Much America Spends on the Military! – Reaction For the First Time

How Much Does America Spend on the Military? I’m Stunned!

  1. You asked about the government buying the manufacturers. The problem with government spending money is the government isnt spending their money. They are spending the peoples money and they spend willy nilly.

  2. We are corrupted like every nation. Just how the world works. Best thing we can do is reach out and try to keep them inline and out of our pockets.

  3. On the exosuits, kinda. It doesn’t necessarily increase strengrh or speed, but it allows you to carry more and more walk longer by taking the weight off your legs and onto the Suit’s struts. They already exist in limited capacity for industial purposes, the issue is mainly making them cheap enough and durable enough for battlefield use.

  4. I’d prefer if my country spent more money on fixing itself, on the people, healthcare, education & infrastructure not paying five corporations: the contractors who influence the that pay lobbyists to legally “bribe” Congress who sends tax dollars back to these corporations. Europe ( Portugal too ) needs to step up at least to the point of being able to protect itself & have American help: or yes, pay for the U.S. for it. Again: the home front needs the money. A fraction of it could do wonders & transform millions of American lives. Btw buying the companies & making them lower prices: that’s privatization André. Capitalism doesn’t work like that. It’s Communism. Privatization of companies that make vital things is what they do. That’s how their countries work. You don’t like Communism remember? Many people in the U.S. are not in favor of these systems. You wouldn’t know that because you generally have one type of person in your comments. You’re really not learning about the U.S. through the same old videos all reactors watch. You all don’t watch the things that would show you such. I hope your channel is making you $ though. That would be something since you’re not learning how the United States is nor how it works. Commentaries that sound naïve to you are real here: there are places here with no clean water to drink & no money to fix it. They would mean less to you: this money & this war machine protects you: because you would never pay what average Americans do to protect Portugal much less Europe. If America left NATO you’d have to pay for yourselves. See how you like it.

  5. Interesting fact united states' pays for 1/3 of all NATO budget don't get me started on how much we pay for the UN without the united states' the world would have to pay for this stuff which means things like free healthcare wouldn't exist

  6. The military definitely needs better accountants. To do that, supporting education is integral. The machinery used by the military is much more complex than it was in WWII. The military needs educated people for this. Years ago, particularly in the world wars and Vietnam, the military was happy to send uneducated “cannon fodder” to the battlefield. Observing the war between Ukraine and Russia, it’s apparent that Russia is the only one sending their troops to slaughter instead of having trained soldiers using high tech machinery. Education is needed and it needs to be federally supported. Also, infrastructure is critical. Roads and bridges are needed for transporting troops. I suspect it’s a whole lot easier to work and train in areas with electricity and cellular communications. Hurricane Helene destroyed hundreds of roads and bridges. It has definitely crossed my mind how much of that could have been prevented if upgrades were made on a schedule. A lot of bridges in North Carolina were deemed unsafe several years ago and the pressure to upgrade them was strong. Andre, you already know the expanse of the US and the amount of travel it takes to get from place to place, so it is imperative to keep our transportation system in repair. It needs to be a full picture process and not just weapons. Lobbying needs to be made illegal.

  7. Let’s not forget the United States is essentially funding all of Ukraine through its military budget, which includes both the government and the armament. It’s also replacing all the armament that Ukraine receives from NATO and other allies. This is a huge amount of weapons which explains why the military spending went up, even though we pulled out of Afghanistan. The price of democracy is very very expensive. Your welcome free world citizens. Also,the government does’t own business as that is a Communist economic system. Finally there’s a black budget that covers culvert special operations, research special projects. Lets not forget to add the CIA expense too that is part if our defense. at last, is the Veterans Administration that is supposed to repair broken former military members? It all adds up!

  8. I can imagine the public out cry if the government tried to take over a publicly traded company even throught purchacing it. The antitrust law needs to be used to break them up but those companies are to entrenched in the day to day running of the government for that to happen.

  9. It’s not just the value of military arms sold, but the entire global trade market. Without the US navy, you’d have far more pirates. Just look at how trade markets used to operate when there was no single county in dominance. Even when the British Empire was king, France and other countries had their own markets. Global trade essentially industrialized most of the world and cut costs for consumers drastically. It wasn’t all good though, things like the rust belt came about as labor was super cheap abroad.

  10. The military or DoD doesn't take over these companies because as Americans we are abhorred by the idea, we call it nationalism and we strive to avoid that here. Legally, the government could seize control of it at anytime for any reason, but would be obligated to reimburse for the value of the company and historically has only used this in specific situations. If Lockheed Martin said they went bankrupt today and couldn't make F-35's, the US would likely prop up the company and take an ownership stake of stocks, replace the leadership through court approved third-parties, keep the company operating while it recoups it's costs until they were made up, then ideally divest those stocks to back out of the ownership of the ownership and returning it to truly private company. But this would an extreme example in an extreme case.

  11. And what he probably won't include is the massive amount of money for black projects. It's an astronomical amount. Black projects are so classified , that even members of Congress and the president don't know about the specifics.

  12. A large part of the F-35 budget is support infrastructure at air bases where they will be stationed. Spare parts for F-16s/F-15s and associated maintenance facilities can't support F-35s. Also, some bases will be operating older 4th generation fighters alongside F-35s for years, so the USAF can't just "refit" the maintenance facilities.

  13. 4:55 All military vehicles are "Always Breaking Down." I don't remember the actual numbers, but as a Tank operator, there's like a 3 hours of Maintenance for every Hour of Operation ratio (That's only an example number)
    These vehicles are incredibly complex AND operate under such extreme circumstances that just normal operation is going to loosen bolts and put massive wear and tear in the vehicles.
    Imagine if you had to constantly drive your car at top speed off-road for 8 hours a day. That would probably give you some idea of the stress these vehicles operate under… and when it comes to Aircraft… Traveling Mach 3+ …. Forget it about it, you already know.

    But… because of the complexity of the machines, and the enormous stress they operate under, there is ALWAYS some sort of Maintenance to be done.

  14. 4:56 Using the federal discretionary budget is extremely misleading, since it leaves out all non-discretionary spending like Medicare which is a much larger slice of overall government spending than the military. It also leaves out state and local spending which includes public education. The most useful measure to use is % of GDP since it best measures how burdensome a country's military spending is to its overall economy. The USA spends only 3.4% of its GDP on its military, placing it 10th in the world. It's worth noting that this number was around 7% for most of the Cold War, so 3.4% is low by historical standards.

  15. This guy is a jerk. He is misleading us.
    Black projects are not mentioned on the budget and he should know that.
    He's just spouting nonsense.

    In the 90s, the Pentagon told the contractors to merge. There was not enough money to support them all. It was called The last supper.

    Why doesn't he know that? He did 0 research and he's too young to know, because he didn't see it on Social media.

  16. we do not like government owning companies(as much as it happens) because this kind of thing would be even worse. Corruption is a major player in all of the wasteful spending in every aspect of government. We get people in charge who don't know much about anything but then are in charge of approving budgets for projects they didn't bother reading, and don't crack down on bribes and coercion that is rampant.
    correct route would be not letting all the corruption quid pro quo etc happen in the first place, and have actual review happen to determine if prices being asked are fair. Because this IS taxpayer dollars after all and they should be held to respect that money as if it were their own.

    so while we in keeping with the old saying "if you want peace, prepare for war" meaning if you want peace, be sure you have to power to defend it. We NEED to keep our military mighty, but that doesnt mean we need to keep paying whatever absurd prices these contractors are asking.

  17. The government can't buy contractors that's illegal. The singest biggest biggest issue, with buying a contractor and the government owning it is that it loses its creativity and ideas are stifled. In fact, the best way to deal with this is for the government to encourage new contractors into the market. The Russian government owns most of its defense contractors and we can see what a mess that is.

  18. For the US to spend money on military and defense, it is in preparation of a disaster to control opposing forces of the UN. When we build up the stock piles, it is in the preparation and they are constantly improving the arms either to perform better or a less expensive but still quality of them. If you look at the arms we allocated towards the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, they were given older equipment so we can put fresh equipment into storage.
    Overcharging is a major concern through monopolization of specific parts and tools. It was brought up in court how they can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on everyday tools and equipment. Now we have specific contractors to make specific products, and it is starting over again.

  19. How the h*ll you Euros have been able to sink all your money into building projects and the Russians (when they were competent) were kept away from sitting on your heads discharging potato toots? THAT DARN U.S. MILITARY AND SAID BUDGETS. (And still do, BTW, while you “discuss” carrying your OWN WEIGHT!)

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