Cost of living crisis in one of Britain’s poorest areas

Cost of living crisis in one of Britain’s poorest areas

The word crisis implies a temporary emergency that can be fixed and will some day pass. With millions of people struggling to cope with soaring fuel and food bills, the cost of living crisis has become a key concern in the upcoming election.

For many, it’s not so much a crisis – but more a desperate, draining way of life. And there’s little faith in politicians from either side to do anything about it.

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  1. It’s not good this I understand inflation etc but the uk is needing to waken up stop taking refugees immigrants and start focusing on on your that’s okay helping ppl and letting them in our country but uk make sure your own citizens are not going through this were citizens not them that’s The problem and if u say anything it’s your racist or whatever no I’m not I’m seeing oaps going with out food and heating try to help but I’m in this situation as well about time something is done before this gets worse because it will give it another 3 years

  2. Talk about disconnect……. you can put all of the politicians in one category and they are all disconnected to the real world. They are so concerned about how they look and if they're going to run for another year or two and how much money they're going to get and how popular they are or this or that but they do not live the same nor do they understand the level that we are in. It's like they are on one side of the spectrum and everyone else is on the other side of the spectrum trying to survive and trying to put food on our tables. No one should be working 2 to 4 jobs to make up for one real full-time job. Nowadays here in the states most of the full-time jobs are non-existent you have a lot of jobs but there are part-time jobs and they will give you as part-time as possible so there is a disconnect for sure. It's difficult to pay rent with one or two part-time jobs. Here in Texas for rent one bedroom apartment was a 1,000 and can range all the way up to 1,400 a month and that was before covid so imagine now that all the prices from gasoline to groceries to Pharmacy medical supplies so forth and so on

  3. It’s like every time you turn on the news, you hear about how much worse it’s getting. Prices for food, energy, rent—it’s all going through the roof, and wages just aren’t keeping up.

  4. Don't worry guys.
    I know you're concerned if the immigrants are treated okay.
    They're treated very nicely in hotels on YOUR MONEY stolen from your pocket.

  5. Why can't we be centralised… items that can be shared and everyone takes good care. Where there is a life span it must be replaced by the government of the day.

  6. After watching this I realise how lucky I am to be able to heat and eat. I mean in Norway it is impossible having no heating on when it is minus 20 outside, our houses are well insulated,

  7. The entire uk is basically gonna turn into bear grills tories did sod all labour has done sod all people who work need pay rises to macth the cost so what is all this money actually going to its ridiculous i get some people cant actually work due to circumstances and thats fine but people abusing the benefits system is basically coming out of our own pockets via tax and it needs sorting out big time either put them into working for there benifts or limit what they spend it on basically the bare essentials no luxuries because for what iv seen people who cant be bothered working are buying designer gear and new tech and people who are actually putting the hours in working are suffering alot more and this needs to stop

  8. This highlight's exactly why government's simply can't just give people hand out's, some one or big financial group, or huge property developer has clearly monopolised this situation. The average rental return on any property in England is 3-6 percent of value, annually, anybody can do that math. Someone or group is manipulating the system, and it does make the government look bad, but they are stuck between a rock and an even harder place as well. The landlords are profiteering.

  9. Rule, Islam! Sharia, rule the waves!
    Muslims never, never, never will be slaves.
    The Imans, with freedom found,
    Shall to thy happy coasts repair.
    Blest isle! with social benefits crowned,
    And ignorant hearts to guard their fair.
    Rule, Islam! Sharia, rule the waves!
    Muslims never, never, never will be slaves.
    Rule, Islam! Sharia, rule the waves!
    Muslims never, never, never will be slaves.

  10. But don't stop people who have no rent, no mortgage and adult children not living with them, who own their own home, and who have savings, investments and money from selling their old home having the winter payment to keep them warm in winter. We can't POSSIBLY prevent pensioners having everything they want.

    It's everybody else who can do without heating because of the cost of rent, mortgages and those on the pitiful amount of Universal Credit that can shiver instead.

    It's millions of children who have to do without heating in winter so they can eat.

    Pensioners never think of that when they demand taxpayers pay their £350 a month winter fuel payments do they?

  11. Same here in the US and concentrated. High paying jobs here have vanished. The election will determine where the country may head plus we’re still recovering from the double hurricane. I’m in SC and we had a good bit of damage but 30 minutes up the road Asheville area is destroyed.

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