‘Golbally, Israel is isolated’ – Stop the War coalition says at London protest

‘Golbally, Israel is isolated’ – Stop the War coalition says at London protest

“Globally, Israel stands isolated. On the world stage, it has become a pariah state—and that wouldn’t have happened without our movement,” said Chris Nineham, vice chair of the UK’s Stop the War coalition, during a protest for Palestine in London on Saturday.

“We are redoubling our efforts and escalating our movement,” he continued, addressing a crowd of over 30,000 protesters gathered in Trafalgar Square, in the heart of the UK’s capital.

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  1. Merci beaucoup a l Afrique du Sud béni soit Elle ❤❤❤❤❤❤un pays honorable et avec tout ceux qui veulent justice pour ces gens puissent vivre en paix chez eux ❤❤❤.

  2. So your solution is hamas in power over israel? Or abas?… Have you heard what's going on in Yemen? South Sudan? Syria? Is it only the jewish state that turns you on?

  3. Pervasive persecution of Christians, sometimes amounting to genocide, is ongoing in parts of the Middle East, and has prompted an exodus in the past two decades, according to a report commissioned by the British foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt.

    Millions of Christians in the region have been uprooted from their homes, and many have been killed, kidnapped, imprisoned and discriminated against, the report finds. It also highlights discrimination across south-east Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and in east Asia – often driven by state authoritarianism.

    “The inconvenient truth,” the report finds, is “that the overwhelming majority (80%) of persecuted religious believers are Christians”.

    Some of the report’s findings will make difficult reading for leaders across the Middle East who are accused of either tolerating or instigating persecution. The Justice and Development (AK) party of the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for instance, is highlighted for denigrating Christians.

  4. Hezbollah and The Persecution of Christians in Lebanon
    Lebanon is home to the second largest Christian population in any country in the Middle East, the cradle of Christianity. Though Lebanon was once considered a Christian country, it has a Muslim majority today. While Lebanon has been a haven for Christians, including many Syrian Christians, in the Middle East in the past, presently Lebanon’s political climate hangs in a delicate balance. In Lebanon, the President is always a Christian, while the Speaker of Parliament is Shia Muslim and the Prime Minister is Sunni Muslim. Despite this power-sharing, Christians have steadily watched the Lebanese Christian presence diminish, including “access to political power and economic progress.”[1]

    Civil unrest in Lebanon could lead to mass exodus of Christians.

    Since 2019, anti-government protests in Lebanon by people of all religious groups and ethnic backgrounds against the Lebanese government have become increasingly common. The country is on the brink of economic collapse, with the number of hungry, unemployed, and homeless increasing.

    The explosion at the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020, significantly exacerbated this situation. People were outraged and took to the streets in protest with many Christians among them. Traditionally Christian-majority neighborhoods were reportedly the worst affected by the blast.[1] One Christian minister said at a prayer gathering about a week later, “We come with a broken heart and a holy anger.”

    Since the blast, things have not improved with one Lebanese government after another taking the reins and then folding. The prime culprit in all of this is the Iran-backed terrorist army Hezbollah.

    2019 Anti-goverment Protest in Lebanon

    Hezbollah’s disastrous influence in Lebanon is causing Lebanese Christians to fear persecution.

    It is commonly understood that Christians living in Lebanon consider themselves second-class citizens and live in fear of persecution.[1] With Hezbollah—which called for the establishment of sharia law in Lebanon in its original 1985 manifesto—expanding its influence in Lebanon, having infiltrated Lebanon’s parliament, military, and social sectors, the inevitable result will be the persecution of Christians if the terrorist army is not stopped.

    Although some have attempted to downplay the threat of Hezbollah to Christians’ safety in Lebanon,[1] there is no doubt that Christians are being persecuted by extremist groups in the country, including Hezbollah.[2] The more powerful and influential Hezbollah becomes in Lebanon, the less safe Lebanese Christians are.

    Moreover, it has been demonstrated that Hezbollah has all but taken over the mainly Christian-controlled Lebanese Armed Forces, which cooperates with the terrorist army regularly.[3]

    Christians worshipping freely in Israel

    Israel is the safest place for Christians in the Middle East.

  5. On October 7, 2023, more than 1,200 men, women and children, including 46 Americans and citizens of more than 30 countries, were slaughtered by Hamas – the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Girls and women were sexually assaulted. The depravity of Hamas's crimes is almost unspeakable.7 Oct 2024

  6. On October 7, 2023, more than 1,200 men, women and children, including 46 Americans and citizens of more than 30 countries, were slaughtered by Hamas – the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Girls and women were sexually assaulted. The depravity of Hamas's crimes is almost unspeakable.7 Oct 2024

  7. Hi Chris Nineham (Isn't HAM Halal according to Islam?), you are taking yourself too seriously. Until now people didn't even know who you are and what your movement is. So you caused Israel to become an "isolated country"? Really?

    Relax and take a breath.

    Israel is not actually isolated. Few heads of Western European states (Macaroni of France) have made scandalous statements, but this is neither a policy nor strategy, but only the need to be politically correct at the stupidest and most immoral level.

    The Useful Idiots protesting in the streets of London will not ease the hand of Israel until reaching the end of Islamic terrorist activity in the Land of Israel and the end of the Iranian proxy terrorism that promotes the cause among the Sunni states.

    In the meantime, people like you abandon Britain and Western Europe to the mercy of radical Islam. I hope that in a few years a huge intifada will break out in the streets of Britain, and I hope that then Israel will condemn the British for taking harsh measures against their fellow Muslim citizens-friends.

    The Global Islamic Jihad is knocking at the door, so take a cup of tea and pour it over your head!

  8. Sinwar brought you cursing and destruction. Gaza is free. Choose life and blessing. 🕊🇮🇱

    PS 95 % of British stand with Israel.

  9. Financially richest people in the world but morally poor are the Gulf Arabs rulers who are impotent & indifferent to their Palestinian brothers & sisters & fail to intervene to liberate Occupied Palestine which they could do if only they were united.
    Where are the public protests,why are they suppressed by these weak treacherous tyrants?
    They are all selfish plutocrats only concerned with protecting their wealth & appeasing the West which makes false accusations of terrorism while itself commits a Genocide!

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