As NATO works to enhance defence production and ensure better defence planning, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte spoke to the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) on the urgency of the task ahead. “Defence industrial issues are at the core of my agenda,” Mr Rutte explained. “NATO has made significant progress in kick-starting defence production, supporting Ukraine with munitions, and rebuilding stockpiles, but there is more to do, together.”

The meeting on 23 and 24 October brought representatives from Allied and Interoperability Partner nations together at NATO Headquarters for their 2024 Autumn Plenary Session. Delegates discussed the most pressing challenges for the armaments community across the Alliance and beyond. They addressed defence planning and production, joint procurement, and standardization. They also spoke about how to strengthen engagement with partners, in particular on supply chain security and defence industrial cooperation.

The CNAD plays an essential role in delivering the interoperable capabilities needed for the Alliance’s deterrence and defence. The Secretary General commended their work, highlighting the important part that Armaments Directors play in “turning political priorities and decisions into action.” This is vital not only among Allies but also with Partners. The recently appointed Assistance Secretary General for Defence Investment and CNAD’s Permanent Chair, Tarja Jaakkola, underscored the value of the of “ensuring that the CNAD contributes to bringing on board partners in NATO discussions to the fullest extent possible.”