JD Vance criticizes “American leaders” who pick a side in the war in Ukraine: “Unfortunately, you got a lot of American leaders who like to beat their chest and say; this [Ukraine] is the good guy and this [Russia] is the bad guy.”


by newzee1

  1. Interestingly, this is the last thing I scrolled to before leaving my house to vote early. Never had an easier decision.

  2. Guess the Russians were the good guys putting bounties on Americans heads in Afghanistan. What a traitorous dimwit. 

  3. I don’t need to beat my chest, or have a testosterone injection to know Ukraine is the good guy, who was invaded by a bad guy Russian imperialism machine.

  4. Generally, I prefer to defend countries that are being invaded by foreign powers. Ukraine has been reorienting towards the west for decades and the war has only accelerated this process. Putin overplayed his hand. Russian bribes and and Kompromat must run deep in GOP circles.

  5. Well I’m guessing we know who he’s chosen. Russia is as he says the bad guy and ukraine is the good guy. Ukraine didn’t invade russia. Russia stole crimea and then annexed 3 more sections of ukraine. That makes russia the aggressor and ukraine the victim. Also daily russia purposely bombs civilians and civilians infrastructure. It’s really hard to not think russia is at fault. Vance and trump ate pro russian so they’ll always try to twist the truth. They also said to end the war they’re willing to let russia keep the annexed areas and crimea so their plan is bullshit. Russia owns trump so its just more of the same.

  6. Looks who’s evil here. A country was invaded and attacked. Who is the aggressor? We clearly know who’s the bad guy. What just because it’s a former Soviet states? Heck Genghis Khan from Mongolia can claim the entire region belongs to Mongolia

  7. Somebody please show him the picture of the young Ukrainian girl with half her head missing, slumped on the playground park bench, and ask him again.

  8. Has Vance not watched one video of the Russian / Ukrainian war. I guess when Putin acts like your daddy Trump you look over a lot of terrible shit that has gone on.

  9. The media just doesn’t simply call out these idiotic views as being idiotic.

    Vance is essentially saying the Nazis were “fine people” for invading Poland and massacring Jews and the Pols had it coming.

    This has to be called out in every instance it’s uttered and this should disqualify Vance and Trump from office.

    You cannot lead the free world and pander to a foreign adversary hellbent on committing genocide in the largest country in Europe.

    I can’t believe we even have to discuss this.

    I wish this dumb fuck would tour the front lines in Kursk dressed up as a Patriot battery.

  10. sixty or seventy years ago this dude, and a bunch of other modern republicans, would have been investigated by the FBI as communists.

  11. Fortunately we only have one douchebag who likes to beat his chest and say the stupid shit Vance says.

  12. The fact that someone can go on tv and actively talk down to others for having morals and ethic, while also being a serious contender for Vice President makes me question my faith in humanity. The fact that this race is so close has changed my perspective on many of the people who live in my country into pure disgust…

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