Where did it all go wrong?

by natali3levin

  1. I often think this, I agree some things are necessary such as the police outfits for protection but the modern world seems to have lost the knack for creating beautiful architecture to favour quick-to-build “modern” minimalist crap such as that water fountain.

  2. We’re no longer able to pillage other countries, or pump billions of pounds worth of tar out of the North Sea.

  3. Guys we need to get the police public call boxes back so the doctor can blend in better when saving us

  4. I don’t mind the copper. Uniform changed with the times. The phone box – meh

    But the water fountain is really bad. I wish we had beautiful ornate fountains.

  5. Architecture, too. Modern buildings are simply an eyesore. I think it’s the belief that practicality and aesthetics cannot co-exist, or that to be aesthetically appealing is expensive. I don’t buy that at all. You can make a metal water fountain and still take care with making it appealing in design but alas. Although the water drop on top of it is kind of neat.

  6. Practicality for the first two and just corporate idiots for the last

    Police – No way you can effectively run let alone actually move as freely in the tunic.

    Fountain. Victorian lead pipes…

    Phone box. I miss the iconic look tbh

  7. What are you on about, the red phone boxes are still all over London.

    I mean they’re tourist attractions, but still.

  8. Capitalism – the cheapest thing for the highest profit. It’s not a mystery the most capitalist we’ve become as a society the less importance is given on architectural beauty

  9. “Progress” I guess. I’m french and I find it sad when a country/culture loses iconic things like this.

  10. I was in a Chinese takeaway yesterday and a policeman walked in. He couldn’t have been dirtier or more dishevelled. Honestly, he was an embarrassment and I wish I could’ve said something without fear of repercussion

  11. I believe we blew our load so hard at the 2012 Olympics that it shifted the world into the dark timeline.

  12. Well that new po po looks like he’s about to jump onto his bicycle riding through the park on a sunny day, whilst sucking on an ice lolly…

  13. Yeah those phone booths were changed because they were plastered with ads for prostitutes head to toe. And [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/MnFQnTtKc3E1yChL9) is the picture of the actual Met police, not that borderline community support officer. Seems pretty good to me, especially considering you have to get with the times. Knife crime has been an issue for quite some time now and officers need protective vests and gear, not a fancy dress up party

  14. Tbh people forget the police used to be issued kit that was tailored.

    Nowadays ah your crappy Kevlar K2 (stops rifle bullets but don’t stop the bones from being shattered from the kinetic impact..) vest will be poorly fitted and just barely covers your vital organs, don’t mind that glaring hole by your gut/neck where somebody just rammed a butcher’s knife into you.

    Only 2% of police officers are even CBRN trained properly and have their respirators on hand, you can literally defeat 90% of the police force in this country with pepper spray canisters, a cheap Chinese radio jammer and a respirator if they can’t see there phone or use there field radio it’s game over, It’s a sad joke, wholesale reliant on swarm tactics instead of proactive situation handling.

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