The pro-Qatari Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper published the details of the UAE's plan for the day after in Gaza, a plan that was reportedly rejected by the Palestinian Authority.

The newspaper published documents of the plan which, according to the report, includes the presence of security forces from Arab countries and "mercenaries" (paid security contractors) and in which no Palestinian entity has a direct role in security in Gaza in the first phase.

Independent Palestinians (not on behalf of Hamas or the PA) will form the committee that will handle civil affairs and gradually bring about the presence of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.

The plan states that the goals are to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, establish law and order, lay the foundation for governance and pave the way for the reunification of Gaza and the West Bank under the "individual and legitimate" Palestinian Authority.

The plan begins by stating that the Palestinian Authority needs to undergo reforms to restore trust between the Palestinian people and international partners. The reforms will include a new prime minister and the establishment of a committee for Gaza affairs that will be established by presidential decree.

Second, the plan is conditional on progress towards a two-state solution and the fact that the Israeli government will be able to make concessions on its part.

In the actual steps regarding what will happen in Gaza, it is noted that first of all, based on an official request from the Palestinian Authority, an "international temporary delegation" will be deployed to replace the Israeli military presence in Gaza, the delegation that will be composed of forces from Arab countries and military "contractors" will oversee the achievement of stability and law enforcement in Gaza. A Palestinian body will not have a direct role in the security of Gaza initially.

Also according to the plan, an international delegation/committee will be established that will consist of the United Arab Emirates, the United States, and other regional actors that will oversee the implementation of the plan, ensure progress and coordinate the necessary funding.

In addition, it will monitor the reforms in the Palestinian Authority and the reconstruction efforts in Gaza and the security developments.

The Gaza Commission that will be established by decree of Mahmoud Abbas will be composed of Palestinians who will undergo an inspection by both the international committee and Israel, the committee will be responsible for the daily management of Gaza – the restoration of the economy, the services, the institutions and the gradual building of the presence of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.

This committee may include former employees of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza (pre-Hamas coup) as well as civil servants who previously worked under Hamas, provided that they were examined by the international committee and Israel.

It was noted that the Palestinian Authority will bear the financial responsibility for the reconstruction of Gaza, with the financial support of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other international bodies.

It is also mentioned that a dialogue between Fatah and Hamas will begin To reach an agreement in which Hamas will agree to the existence of the committee and the international mission (that is, to a different government in Gaza), the plan presents the timeline as follows – the Palestinian Authority will publish a presidential order to form a new government and establish a Gaza committee, appoint a new prime minister to oversee the West Bank and Gaza and establish a new government to lead the The reforms in the PA will be established and finally the Palestinian Authority will request a temporary international delegation (to govern security in Gaza).

A senior Palestinian source told the newspaper that the Palestinian leadership (meaning the Palestinian Authority) would not accept any UAE role in Gaza the day after the war. The source reported to the newspaper that they had received a plan from the United Arab Emirates. According to the report, such a message was delivered by PLO Secretary General Hussein al-Sheikh to the US Assistant Secretary of State Barbara Leaf. It was also reported that Leaf asked to meet with Mahmoud Abbas when she arrived in Ramallah on the last second, but after realizing that she had no new information – he refused to meet her.

Posted by aWhiteWildLion

  1. SS: The pro-Qatari Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper published the details of the UAE’s plan for the day after in Gaza, a plan that was reportedly rejected by the Palestinian Authority.

    The newspaper published documents of the plan which, according to the report, includes the presence of security forces from Arab countries and “mercenaries” (paid security contractors) and in which no Palestinian entity has a direct role in security in Gaza in the first phase.

    Independent Palestinians (not on behalf of Hamas or the PA) will form the committee that will handle civil affairs and gradually bring about the presence of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.

    The plan states that the goals are to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, establish law and order, lay the foundation for governance and pave the way for the reunification of Gaza and the West Bank under the “individual and legitimate” Palestinian Authority.

    The plan begins by stating that the Palestinian Authority needs to undergo reforms to restore trust between the Palestinian people and international partners. The reforms will include a new prime minister and the establishment of a committee for Gaza affairs that will be established by presidential decree.

    Second, the plan is conditional on progress towards a two-state solution and the fact that the Israeli government will be able to make concessions on its part.

    In the actual steps regarding what will happen in Gaza, it is noted that first of all, based on an official request from the Palestinian Authority, an “international temporary delegation” will be deployed to replace the Israeli military presence in Gaza, the delegation that will be composed of forces from Arab countries and military “contractors” will oversee the achievement of stability and law enforcement in Gaza. A Palestinian body will not have a direct role in the security of Gaza initially.

    Also according to the plan, an international delegation/committee will be established that will consist of the United Arab Emirates, the United States, and other regional actors that will oversee the implementation of the plan, ensure progress and coordinate the necessary funding.

    In addition, it will monitor the reforms in the Palestinian Authority and the reconstruction efforts in Gaza and the security developments.

    The Gaza Commission that will be established by decree of Mahmoud Abbas will be composed of Palestinians who will undergo an inspection by both the international committee and Israel, the committee will be responsible for the daily management of Gaza – the restoration of the economy, the services, the institutions and the gradual building of the presence of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.

    This committee may include former employees of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza (pre-Hamas coup) as well as civil servants who previously worked under Hamas, provided that they were examined by the international committee and Israel.

    It was noted that the Palestinian Authority will bear the financial responsibility for the reconstruction of Gaza, with the financial support of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other international bodies.

    It is also mentioned that a dialogue between Fatah and Hamas will begin To reach an agreement in which Hamas will agree to the existence of the committee and the international mission (that is, to a different government in Gaza), the plan presents the timeline as follows – the Palestinian Authority will publish a presidential order to form a new government and establish a Gaza committee, appoint a new prime minister to oversee the West Bank and Gaza and establish a new government to lead the The reforms in the PA will be established and finally the Palestinian Authority will request a temporary international delegation (to govern security in Gaza).

    A senior Palestinian source told the newspaper that the Palestinian leadership (meaning the Palestinian Authority) would not accept any UAE role in Gaza the day after the war. The source reported to the newspaper that they had received a plan from the United Arab Emirates. According to the report, such a message was delivered by PLO Secretary General Hussein al-Sheikh to the US Assistant Secretary of State Barbara Leaf. It was also reported that Leaf asked to meet with Mahmoud Abbas when she arrived in Ramallah on the last second, but after realizing that she had no new information – he refused to meet her.

  2. Of course they reject it, they will not be involved to steal the money, or to create more terrorists, or to maintain the Palestinians rabid crazy focused on destroying Israel instead of wanting to live their life in peace.

  3. So from what I’m understanding is that the PA is refusing on the basis that the security roles would be left to that of UAE paid security contractors while the Palestinian’s would be given the role of managing financial distribution. Basically they want control of all roles as opposed to just being sidelined for the security management.

  4. Not a terrible plan honestly. Ironically perhaps the best / only real way for the PA to eventually take control of Gaza

  5. So there so some sanity left in the middle east!

    This is an opportunity for anyone who claims stop value human life to end it’s destruction.

    Neither side will agree, of course.

  6. The PA are in a great position to negotiate the future of a territory that they don’t control. Let’s remember that members of Fatah were literally being thrown off buildings by Hamas when Fatah was expelled from Gaza.

  7. That plan seemed reasonable. It’s really the best that anyone in Gaza could hope for and it’s not like they have much bargaining power to change it.

    What does the PA have against UAE?

  8. Abbas wants his territory back but there’s no way he has the strength to take it and hold it

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