Which state has won the race for renewable energy generated? (2001-2023) [OC]

Posted by LG_Rocket

  1. So I’m not an expert in USA’s geography, but isn’t Iowa much much smaller than Texas? Kudos to them for being on third place.

  2. I feel like plotting this as a line graph with % of energy as renewable would be more informative, no?

  3. This is mostly just a map of which states have the most wind (and to a lesser degree solar) potential.

  4. Interesting to see red states as heavily represented as blue states. All that talk about republicans wanting dirty air and water is complete left wing propaganda.

  5. Massachusetts should get in there if we could just get these dang offshore windfarms online

  6. I straight up don’t believe this. Grand Coulee damn alone in Washington generates 20,000 GWh per year.

    Edit: whaaaa, it’s not even counting hydro at all

  7. This is awesome and I am proud of Texas’ renewable energy development. I would be interested in seeing this alongside a graphic showing % of energy generation.

  8. As some one from Washington, essentially 75% of our energy is clean and/or renewable. 21% of the remainder is Natural Gas or Nuclear. 3.1% is coal. Of course ours is largely due to dams, but as a percentage of power, we’ve been killing it for a long time.

  9. This obviously doesn’t count hydro. Most of the NW is powered by hydro and has been for a long time.

  10. Washington hardly appears on this list but 75-ish% of its electricity comes from hydroelectricity on the Columbia River.

  11. Iowa uses the highest percentage of renewable energy, with over 60% of its energy consumption coming from renewables.

  12. The fact that NM is 8th and only a million people live here is awesome.
    Edit: and the poorest state in the country.

  13. When CO2 offset is added to the calculation California along with many other states are not even on the board.

  14. Texas already had/has a lot of wind, it’s stupid to let it go waste. It’s like saying Australia wants to throw away their solar. There is so much of scope of building solar in Australia that given the infrastructure to export solar energy, they could do that and become like the Saudi version of energy rich economies.

  15. Not very surprising that Texas is up top. Drive through the panhandle and there are massive amounts of wind turbines

  16. Hilarious that the “Sunshine” State isn’t even in the running. DeSantis and his cronies have made sure that no innovation takes place in Florida and that the state’s energy company keeps a stranglehold on its monopoly so that he can keep cashing their checks.

  17. This is cool, and important. But if you are feeling competitive, remember that China built more renewable energy sources LAST YEAR than the US has built in its entire history.

    We got a lot of catching up to do.

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