Keir Starmer faces backlash after claiming pensioners are better off under Labour
byu/No_Rule5565 inuknews

Posted by No_Rule5565

  1. I think his theory is, we could have treated them even worse, but we haven’t, so they are better off than what we could of done.

  2. Has he improved anything yet? Or has he just postponed the shit show for awhile.

  3. It is a pretty bold statement. He will argue that the increase in pension (they would have got anyway) compensates for the loss of WFP – but they would have got that as well so it’s bollocks.

  4. – State pension is the only triple locked benefit and will remain that way
    – Frozen tax thresholds will hit both demographics, BUT pensioners don’t pay NI so will be less affected
    – Pensioners own their homes outright so won’t be affected by higher interest rates from Labours changes to fiscal rules
    – ENIC increases will suppress salaries, something that won’t affect pensioners

    Pensioners will be poorer. Workers will be even more worse off. Crabs in a bucket.

  5. >Director Dennis Reed added: “The triple lock is supposed to compensate for all household increases, not just energy, and we still see food and essentials prices soaring.

    Fuck the triple lock. The fact we provide triple lock to pensioners and not public service workers is disgusting.

    They truly are the entitled generation.

  6. They are still getting a rise thanks to the triple lock that out paces what they lost on the winter fuel benefit. The NI rise for employers is another area they have gotten away with any increased taxes as NI doesn’t apply to pensioners either.

  7. Why does the government care so much what pensioners think, everyone else has been fucked over long enough it’s due time they felt some of the squeeze to.

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