Viktor Orbán congratulated GD for their election win before the results were even available.

by Specialist_Bit_964

  1. Did Putin offer him and his family a lot of money or a great future because of how he keeps simping on everything related to Russia?

  2. The results were available… to him. His friends in the Georgian Nightmare party knew the result beforehand and told him.

  3. this is just an unbelievably weird statement to make as a leader of a EU country, like what? IF you make this statement then why is your country in the EU? HExit?

  4. It shouldn’t even be surprising at this point, Orban is a piece of shit who loves russia more than his own country

  5. Similar thing happened in Serbia during the second round of presidential elections in 2012 when EU officials van Rompuy and Barroso congratulated Nikolić before closing of the polls.

  6. Moreover, exit polls show the results have been falsified and even the president of the country said the results are fake

  7. “The people of Georgia know what’s best for their country”

    Interesting choice of words 

  8. This is not a coincidence. Putin is showing the cheat on purpose to show us that we will not do anything even if we know that the results are fake.

  9. Should we not organize a referendum on whether we, as Europeans, want Hungary in or out of the EU?

  10. It is not first time that someone from EU does that, it happened decade ago with Nikolić, former Serbia’s president from same party as Vučić. European Commission and Council congratulated him and SNS 3h before closing of election booths.

  11. In 2012 EU congratulated same way to new president in Serbia. They did it 3 hours before elections were closed. And 12 years later we still can get rid of his party. I wonder why…

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