I see you shiver with antici….


For the fact that it’s Monday of course. So why not come on in, have a chat, and let us know what’s on for your day?

by dexbydesign89

  1. I get married *today*, eek! I haven’t slept a wink, and will just have to hope that the adrenaline gets me through!

  2. Monday morning in the holidays,
    Going to go to the gym, then a light breakfast before a nice dinner out and an afternoon nap

  3. Staying sick at home… 😔

    But I do have an earworm to brighten the day now—I saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show a few weeks ago in London!

  4. Awake at stupid o’clock. Legs are aching after being on my feet for ten hours yesterday, including an hour+ on the train from Birmingham. (Fuck you Cross Country Trains and your 3 car units).

    Might have to find something fun to do later.

  5. I have a two day online course. Cameras ON. Kill me.

    It starts at 9 so I might pop to the supermarket for some bacon before it starts.

  6. Have had 16 days off work. Got married in Vegas with the love of my life, and road tripped to San Francisco.

    Train journey this morning from Margate to London for work is killing me – all I can think about is IHOP pancakes and the sheer natural beauty that is the West Coast of the US.


  7. Found out my car battery was dead yesterday, luckily I noticed then and not this morning or I would’ve been buggered getting to work. Currently waiting for the train. Peak Monday excitement!

  8. Absolutely knackered and (live in) landlord has been a selfish prick all weekend.

    But I’ve got Thursday booked off as leave and I’ve rescheduled the reason I booked it so that’s a nice midweek lie in to look forward to

    Work, home, driving lesson, and an early night ahead of me

  9. Got the day off and going to try to go to the gym for like session 3 … I’m nervous and didn’t sleep well so going to do my best to actually go! Ah!

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