Kim Jong Un might have sent weak and unprepared soldiers to Russia – Wall Street Journal

  1. From the article: 

    The Wall Street Journal has reported it is possible that North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un might have sent younger soldiers to Russia, aged under 20 and without appropriate military training.

    Source: The Wall Street Journal

    Details: The WSJ reports that video evidence and intelligence reports suggest that the North Korean soldiers deployed to Russia are likely young men under the age of 20 who are “in the early stages of military conscription”.

    The WSJ reported that these soldiers’ training has focused on assassinations and infrastructure destruction in the mountainous regions of South Korea, “a far cry from the trench warfare unfolding in the flat plains along the Ukrainian-Russian border”. Most of these recruits have probably never left North Korea, and the country’s army is equipped with outdated conventional equipment.

    South Korean Defence Minister Kim Yong-hyun, assessing the military, called them “mere cannon fodder mercenaries”.

  2. Putin: Kim I thought you were sending me your best soldiers suka!!!

    Kim: I said I was sending you best Korea’s soldiers, weren’t you listening to me?

  3. When asked about why North Korea sent mere conscripts with outdated equipment to fight against a modern, trained military force, Kim Jong Un had this to say:

    “I learned it from you, ~~Russia~~ Dad!”

  4. What an absolute shock…….. To nobody, 10,000 less mouths to feed for the hermit state.

    PutPut does not care.

    * [North Korea had sent 3,000 troops to Russia]( to support Russian forces in the war against Ukraine and was also working to isolate the families of those soldiers to prevent information about their deployment in Russia from spreading.

    In other words, “You speak to anyone, We fire Anti Aircraft cannon at your head”

  5. if they were training for assasination and infrastructure destruction missions then they’re special forces, with incomplete training perhaps

  6. I’ve seen a lot of stories about this and I just kind of laugh to myself. DPRK soldiers are malnourished, maltreated, and live in a bubble. The Ukrainian Army routinely post feeds of their drones legit dropping grenades/mortar rounds/bomblets on sleeping enemy troops.
    These folks are bullet fodder for Putin’s meat grinder.

  7. >the North Korean soldiers deployed to Russia are likely young men under the age of 20 who are “in the early stages of military conscription”.

    They’re going from an already difficult life under one Dictator to die for a war started by another Dictator.

  8. So North Korea is hanging onto its equivalent of Navy Seals, Rangers, and Green Berets, huh?


  9. North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, and the like all have a meat assault doctrine, and to think anything otherwise is just delirious 😉 They don’t care about individuals, and that’s reflected in their doctrines.

  10. Probably did what Castro did during the Mariel boat lift and sent his prisoners and mental hospital patients to the frontline

  11. I just keep wondering how many of them are gonna be waving a white flag to a drone next week and enjoying freedom.

    What these soldiers do here is going to paint a real picture of how Kim is viewed in NK. If they fight and die.. that’s bothersome.

    I have a feeling if any get a chance to defect or run.. they will.

  12. I love how these states keep being “crooks” even within their own circles this is a huge weakness that they hopefully never understand how to deal with. Even if they claim they are working together they can’t help but to underperform to help another crook-state. The authoritarian mindset even applies to their capacity to deal with each other.

  13. 10,000 +/probably/hungry, weak, unprepared, still 10,000 problems and difficulties for the Ukrainian forces. Against the background of the fact that the Russians probably do not take prisoners, even with 1 in 100 killed Ukrainians to barbarians will be a problem.

  14. Genuine question, what’s a well prepared soldier in NK? From what I understand they’re suffering a tight famine. So there’s no means to train a battalion, let alone an entire army properly. We sure these aren’t just regular soldiers and Kim is saving face from their performance?

  15. Why would he send his best soldiers so they could just run to the Ukrainian lines and surrender?

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