A Russian serviceman shot 10 sleeping comrades at night and escaped with weapons and ammunition in the area of ​​Novoprokopovka in the Zaporizhia region

by instantkopio

  1. Source: Butusovplus

    Telegram Auto Translation: Immediately for the award! Russian serviceman Maxim Fedorchenko, call sign “Barabash”, committed a brave and useful act – he shot ten sleeping comrades from his unit at night and escaped with weapons and ammunition in the area of ​​Novoprokopovka in the Zaporizhia region. Apparently, Fedorchenko is one of the former prisoners who signed a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry and fought in the assault squad that is sent to carry out meat assaults.

    Russian commanders treat the “Storms” fighters as disposable consumables, so shooting their own is common there, commanders can kill their subordinates with impunity, explaining this by maintaining discipline. But in this case, something went wrong…

    Work, “brothers”!

  2. Sounds like the guns got turned in the right direction. Medal of Russian Hero for this man.

  3. Maybe he was beaten too often to improve his morale.

    I wonder why that didn’t happen more often.

  4. What a nice fellow. Instead of walking with his group to the meat grinder, he brought the meat grinder to them. This ensured that all comrades were in excellent condition, and not exhausted by the lang walk.

    And the other guy who shot his officer is by far the most intelligent Russian I have heard of in the last couple of years.

  5. F*ck You. F*ck You. F*ck You. You are Cool. And f*ck you i`m out. Half Baked Orc on the menu.

  6. War heroes come in strange forms, sizes, places and backgrounds.

    Jokes aside, Its insane how far they had to push him to go berserker against his own country men, he shot the bad ones but still, how far do you have to go to not care anymore, to loose fear and act.

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