Paedophile jailed for child sex abuse images can’t be deported after judge deems it ‘too harsh’ on his children

by WheresWalldough

  1. > The Indian national had been jailed for 14 months in 2021 in relation to three counts of child sex abuse images.

    > However, despite this, Home Office attempts to deport him have now failed after the man won a legal challenge on human rights grounds.

    > Lawyers for the Indian paedophile claimed the sentence was “unduly harsh” and that it would be unfair to separate him from his two children.

    > It comes despite court judges having previously prevented the man from having “direct unsupervised contact” with his two children.

    > The man’s only current contact is said to be over video call, according to legal papers.

    > It’s claimed the paedophile first came to the UK in 2002, before he went on to remain in the country illegally.

    > It’s then claimed he married in 2010, before later winning temporary permission to stay here as a spouse.

  2. A convicted paedophile should never see his or any children again, and never see the light of day, I would also like to hear the lawyer’s reasonings of why the children’s safety are not of their concern

  3. I recall someone saying to me the ECHR isn’t the problem.

    ‘The paedophile, who can only be referred to as “HS” after he was granted life-long anonymity, said deportation would damage his right to “private and family life” under Article 8 of the ECHR’

    It clearly is.

  4. The article makes no sense. I came for the words “immigration and asylum tribunal”, and was not disappointed. But the actual decision being reported seems to be an upper tribunal decision overruling the decision that he should be allowed to stay because of his children


  5. Why don’t the government do something about this ? These rules are an obvious vote winner, just keep stacking these cases and bring them out when people defend the law,

  6. This reporting is very poor and I had to actually go and find the judgement to work out what the hell is going on here. 

    Essentially, HS had appealed deportation order. This was granted at first tier based on a social workers report. 

    Home Office appealed. The Upper Tribunal looked at it and went ‘wtf this ruling seems to have fundamental mistakes’.

    They’ve now set aside the original ruling and it’s gone back to first tier. 

    There is nothing to be frothingly angry about here. The appeals system has overturned an incorrect first tier decision. There will be a new hearing. It seems likely HS will be deported. 

    This is how a judicial system in a civilised country should work. 

    Jenrick wants this to be an uncivilised country with decisions by executive Fiat. That makes him unfit to be Leader of the Opposition, let alone Prime Minister. That should be thr gives here.

  7. There are always going to be the odd corner cases that we all disagree with. It doesn’t mean that the ECHR isn’t fit for purpose. We only hear about the morally conflicted cases in the news, not the thousands of cases which have emancipated and freed people from oppression. I sometimes think I’m on the daily mail website when I visit this sub.

  8. Maybe it’s time to leave the ECHR if pedophiles get more rights than actual victims

    Seriously though what the fuck kind of failed state are we?

    I had people come at me the other day claiming “immigration isn’t a top priority” cases like this make it a top priority for the majority.

    Don’t complain when Farage or worse forms a government in 2029

  9. I had a neighbour who refused to call the police on her ex bf after she caught him fiddling with her three year old daughter, because he was an illegal immigrant, and she didn’t think it would be fair on him. Thank god her parents saw sense and called the police.

  10. Curious as to how he was given lifelong anonymity when others of his ilk are named and shamed.

  11. Of course… It’s Monday morning and the nonces are out on the streets in full force. 

    What’s next? Can’t deport r*pists due to human rights!? 

  12. Question – hes been given Anonimity but don’t convicted paedophiles need to tell people they live near that they’re on the register? Am I wrong in that assumption?

  13. More crackpot decisions from our wonderful judiciary we may as well have crackheads running the show at this point.

  14. Pedophiles are irredeemable they are sick in the head beyond help, giving the opportunity this guy will offend again.

  15. I’m convinced that the law is designed like this on purpose (to be deliberately and obviously contradictory in the face of decency and common sense). They want you utterly defeated and demoralised under the hands of big state.

    A case like this is a double edged kind of theatre.

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