Kirby: North Korean troops would be a legitimate military target. @JacquiHeinrich: “Why not green light the long range missiles for Ukraine’s use, which is Zelensky’s #1 ask?” Kirby: “We don’t know what these guys are gonna do.” JH: “What else could they be there for!?”

by vegarig

  1. Yeah they’re North Korean tourists. They’ll ask the Ukrainians to take group photos whilst they make bunny ears…

    …. wait until they find out the Ukrainians only use high-speed cameras.

  2. What kind of answer was that Kirby? You mean, you actually lead people? One of our top people and all he could come up with on the question of use of ATACMS Scalps etc. being used to attack targets such as those firing at Ukraine from inside Russia is “we don’t know what they are going to do”? That’s about as belligerent I’ve seen at the old folks home. It was word salad. He had no idea what to say. That’s strength under pressure right there. That’s Captain ‘under the desk’ if something bad happens.

    Here, Armchair general here: They will be used by UA to attack RU FOBs, ground and air attack areas that are launching missions from. What, do you think they are going for Russia’s three taco stands? Old leadership, step aside, new leadership step up. Kirby exemplifies the current doctrine of don’t cross some imaginary red line or don’t PO the old dementia patient with nukes but that crap is over for most of us.

  3. It’s well established that any army that enters Ukraine first goes through a tourist phase. Happened with Russia, it’s happening now with North Korea, it’ll happen if any Western nations join in.

  4. I don’t know why people are not talking about the PRSM missile and how the US is not going to start selling much of their supply of long range missiles until the PRSM platform is at sufficient quantity. This is a huge factor in the conversation. Because long range missile systems are considered one of the primary weapons used in a war over Taiwan.

    As long as China is beating the drums the US isn’t going to come off their supply of missiles without replacements.

    >The award is the fourth production contract to date for the long-range surface-to-surface missile, which will allow for a significant increase in production capacity to meet Army demand.

    **That’s not a coincidence**

    At the same time earlier this year when people started talking about long range strike ability being given to Ukraine **the United States gave Lockheed Martin a bunch of money to speed up production of the PRSM long range missle**. But at no point are you going to see the US stand up and say certain stockpiles of missiles or ammunition are below acceptable amounts. Nobody admits that unless they are looking for funding to fix the problem fast.

    That conversation did take place. That funding was secured. Production was increased. It just wasn’t very public.

    So we can almost guarantee once enough PRSM have been produced and delivered Ukraine will start receiving more missiles like ATACMs. It just depends on how fast LM can produce the PRSM

  5. Yeah, I mean he’s right. Their only DPRK’s most elite combat troops. Maybe they’re just there to serve meals, pump gas…ya know.. Geez we’re feckless in the face of tyranny. I guess the other option is an administration that actually helps Putin? Why are we always left with only bad choices? NATO could end this bs in a week.

  6. white house is obviously very worried about the situation – check out this guy wringing his hands before the questions

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