Cannabis sold on streets riddled with mould, lead, E.coli and salmonella, experts warn

by F0urLeafCl0ver

  1. The ones I planted in my garden as an experiment are mouldy. It’s been a very wet year.

  2. That’s why you should buy where you can leave feedback these days. Also it should be legalised and sold from regulated distributors anyway.

  3. That is really bad.

    The council should tidy the street up so people can buy their cannabis in a much nicer environment.

  4. Haven’t encountered that in over 20 years. Must be a narrative to push somewhere.

  5. Let me guess it also contains fentanyl and meth and zombie knives and Russian hackers?

  6. This is why you pick up off reliable sources.
    Back in my day they laced the weed with sand, shits wild

  7. No politician in the uk has the balls to do anything about it, so the NHS can take the burden when the filthy criminals have ruined people lungs from smoking they’re sprayed 💩

  8. Legalise and tax it. That will solve the issue of quality, wasting resources policing and adding government revenue.

  9. Although it isn’t legalised in the UK, it is legalised for medicinal use with 30,000+ people having a legal prescription. With prescribing clinics, consultants, specialist pharmacies, home delivery and it is taxed.

  10. I mean PGR is starting to become a bit of a concern but I’ve never had rot in a bag of weed in close to two decades.

    Still, terrible news, if only there was some way to regulate this so people knew exactly how it was grown and what was going in…

  11. Weed has helped me loads with my medical issues. I smoke a small amount in a dry vape every night before bed and it’s a God send. Should if been legal years ago. I’ve lived next door to an alcoholic and a weed smoker. Guess who was the better neighbour?

  12. “get the facts.”

    Ah so this definitely ain’t propaganda to push to pay for theirs instead… definitely not…

  13. My mate (UK based) signed up for a prescription for it.

    You just sign up, go see them, tell them some bullshit and they’ll write you a prescription for it. They even give you a card to show the coppers if you get caught with it.

    The catch? It’s £360 an ounce!

  14. Even in legal states in the USA they’ve got all sorts of problems with horrendous pesticides being in their product. All the big name californian companies. Literally deadly poison.

  15. If only there was someway we could ensure it was grown and stored under standards and sold in a way in which vulnerable and underage people couldnt access it, while also raising more funds through taxes and get less money into the hands of the black market. If only some other countries that could act as examples of this being successfully done. Oh well, Its really cool that neither labour or conservatives even want to talk about the idea and continue to let the issues around illegal cannabis fester.

  16. Imagine if food and alcohol were not regulated.

    Government should govern, not outsource to criminal gangs.

  17. Curaleaf have a track record for lobbying against anything but them making money. But as others have pointed out, this is a prohibition problem. Legalise and regulate and this goes away!

  18. I get the feeling that parties are receiving internal polling showing that legalising weed is nowhere near as popular as people might expect it to be, and that it will cost them lots of votes in middle england. The kind of people who ring 101 when they see 3 teenagers socialising in public and they happen to be wearing hoodies.

  19. Maybe we should regulate their sale so that the consumer know where their products are being made. Like we do with other drugs such as caffeine and nicotine.

  20. As long as British politicians are involved in manufacture, it’s never going to change.
    British Tobacco has a license to grow medicinal cannabis and UK is the largest EU exporter of it.

    They are purposefully keeping it illegal so they can profit (:

  21. at least it might reduce some crime, house crisis or homelessness..  we need more.. 

    or is that too evil? (not advocating anything here just being silly)

  22. Legalise it or stfu. We’re dealing with the equivalent of moonshine, the government is to blame.

  23. Err, it’s always been like that.

    Unscrupulous dealers used to spray their weed with a flour and water mix to increase weight.
    They also used electrolysis to make a lead/water based solution that they’d also spray on their weed to increase weight, therefore profit. They’d add anti psychotic medication to the solution- from their friends in social services (because all dealers are actually snitches) – if they were going to target and ‘rinse’ a wealthy customer who they didn’t like. 

    Remember a couple of decades ago, that gritty shiny weed that was around? That grit was glass particles sandblasted onto the weed to increase weight and profit.

    I’ve always said this- it’s not drugs that are the problem- it’s the people involved with them. 

    Just steer clear of the street or grow your own. Simple 

  24. Sounds like a precursor to legalisation to me. May as well just do it at this point. Make sure its use is banned in the same places that cigarettes are but other than that let people smoke it like they do cigarettes.

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