North Dakota may end most property taxes. Trying to repeat the failed Kansas experiment.

by annon8595

  1. Parents take note – writing’s on the wall for ND, time to move ASAP

    in the US, kids always always always take the brunt of a reduction in taxation

  2. TLDR: Kansas under Brownback did this and their education system collapsed. It was so bad the Kanas supreme court had to get involved because they were breaking the states constitution.

  3. Require the legislature to replace the lost funds, brilliant i’m sure they’ll be so happy to figure that problem out and it’ll be completely figured out before anything is changed right?

  4. Property taxes are the biggest pile of shit to start with. I bought my house, took a loan out on my house, paid off that loan and now own my house, but now I have to pay an annual duty for something I own or you’ll come take it away? Hard fucking pass.

  5. Instead of removing the tax altogether which seems extreme why not just tie the tax to the purchase price of the home and pay a % based on the purchase price of the home every year. The whole reason people feel property tax is theft is because it’s based on money people haven’t realized. You pay taxes when you sell the house. Imagine if you had to pay taxes on your unrealized 401k gains every year. That would be absurd.

  6. I think it’s time for government to stop spending. This isn’t the only state proposing some extreme revisions. People are forgetting the best way to enact change is to vote differently, but they don’t want to do that, so you see some crazy proposals.

  7. We tried this in the past, spouting that we would lose control of our school finances. It didn’t pass, fast forward a few years and our schools needed repairs/replacement so bond measures were placed on the ballot. Several election cycles with bond measures rejected with the call that the state should foot the bill. it’s obvious that the schools funding is going to collapse no matter what, so we might as well own our property instead of renting it from the government!

  8. Kansas failed for the simple fact was that they didn’t control their currency, the way that a nation like the US could. They were always exposed to the risk of the federal gov’t monetary and fiscal policy getting them in a bind.

    It wasn’t a bad idea, if federal monetary and fiscal policy didn’t sink them.

    ND is a much smaller budget and has a lot of revenue from non local property tax sources.

    ND has much more in common with AK, than KS.

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