Planet-heating pollutants in atmosphere hit record levels in 2023

by mhicreachtain

1 comment
  1. Profits are a good thing but only if used to invest in healing, sustainable technologies

    Isn’t it time for Big Sun? Campaign name: The Bigger They Are…”

    Look. The people are miserable. The governments are having a miserable time. You want to know who is NOT suffering? Big Oil/ King Coal.

    To forcefully encourage them to transition to healing the planet we need to make their corporate lives a living hell if they don’t. But how?

    Cut off their revenues ONE COMPANY AT A TIME. Say we all decide to pick on ( for example) Imperial Esso (Here in Canada)… picket all their gas stations and tell them we will continue to picket (or dare we?) blockade them until THEY PROMISE TO ONLY INVEST THEIR PROFITS IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY”

    People would still be able to go to other gas stations if they’re not comfy approaching our pickets. If this catches on -and I’m sure it could – then the table turns – The Shareholders become Miserable. The shareholders have the power to demand change. They will because profits go down if they don’t. Make one company invest ALL THEIR PROFITS exclusively in sustainable projects then go after the next one. Simple?

    Look, we can petition governments and be all polite and all that junk activism as we have for decades with soooo little to show. We’ve tried going into the woods to protest logging and pipelines at their source…. To. No. Avail.
    Because… the hands of governments…. Are … tied! And the protesters get arrested out in the booneys. “Out of sight. And out of mind.”

    You know who is not miserable through all this ? Big Oil. Big Log. Time to follow the money. Time to force the hand of Big Oil at the PUMPS!

    Once we force Esso’s hand we ask Shell next. Then Husky then… you get the picture? We conquer the oil sector then who knows? Retail food ?

    Profits are NOT the problem! Unbalanced human-caused carbon emissions is the problem. They can have their profits as long as they help us get to Big Sun!!! Simple or what?

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