Banks like KBC can have a NET PROFIT of + €10 MILLION PER DAY out of abusive fees and commissions, but hey, “massive migration is taking our money!”

by atrocious_cleva82

  1. You didn’t need to make this political. Sure KBC makes insane profits and keeps driving up the cost of their products, but you’re free to go to another bank if you don’t like that.

  2. >€10 MILLION PER DAY out of abusive fees and commissions

    What fees and commissions abuse you or I?

  3. My brother had an account at BNP and switched to KBC. They fucked up the closing of his account, and all of a sudden, he has a balance of €-40 on his BNP account due to monthly fees. They didn’t try to reach out; his account is set to prevent overdrafts, but the bank can override this to allow it. He only found out when he received a letter from the national bank, warning him he was on the verge of being blacklisted.

    This is beyond criminal.

  4. Seems like banking and insurance taxes which KBC has to pay depressed their profitability in the 1st quarter. Good that they could recover in the 2nd quarter.

  5. Yes banks bad buuut the service i get from kbc and other belgian banks is 1000x better and cheaper than anyone gets in Germany for example. Just this plus account with prepaid card costs like 5€ a month. In Germany u re looking at 15-20€.

  6. Zijn die banking fees dingen zoals het bedrag dat je betaalt als domiciëleringen niet zijn kunnen doorgaan? Gelijk.. die eindafrekening van het jaar dat ze bedoelen?

  7. ‘Nooooooo we can’t have sensible migration laws because BANKS!’

    What is this post even trying to say?

  8. I suddenlt have to pay €1 a month for a free business account. I’m not angry of course but it was odd i guess

  9. how is immigration an issue for healthcare? If anything the big issue in our healthcare is the aging population with too much time on their hands going to bother doctors and especially experts over any minor inconvenience

  10. Does Belgium have low/no cost banks? I switched to a no fee bank years ago in my home country and have never looked ‘bank.’

  11. Nono, you need to keep blaming the lowest tier of society. you know, the ones that have no vote, no purchase power and thus zero influence on our society.

    It’s those dasterdly migrants that are stealing your cookie

  12. European banks are still valuated much worse than their US counterparts.

    We need far more integration of our financial and banking markets within the EU. More competition and consolidation.

    Not only to improve bank products and competition, but also to improve access to capital.

  13. Why always confront the two, in a simplistic binary manner ? Why does migration have to do with bank profits ? Why would a shitty banking system impact in any way our views on migration policy ?
    These are two completely distinct aspects of society with no relationship whatsoever. You can be favor of harsher regulation on banks while at the same time be in favor of stricter migration policies.

  14. I assure you, a net profit of 10M/day by KBC is not due to ‘abusive fees’. That’s utter nonsense.

  15. De totale balans van KBC is +- 347 miljard. Wat je dus eigenlijk zegt is dat KBC zelfs geen ROI van iets meer dan 1 percent mag hebben.

    Je snapt wel waarom VB voornamelijk uit laag geschoolden bestaat. Misschien toch maar eens beginnen rekening houden met hen ipv hen constant af te schilderen als een hoop dommeriken.


    Maar aangezien onze sossen vooral uit de beter gegoede middenklasse komen en de meesten onder hen waarschijnlijk nooit hebben samengewerkt met allochtonen van de lagere sociale klasse hebben ze weinig tot geen inlevingsvermogen in wat een VB’er drijft om op het VB te stemmen. Wel tof om te zien dat allochtonen in Wallonië nog minder kans hebben om aan werk te raken zou er daar nog meer discriminatie zijn? Oh voordat je zegt dat er minder werk is waarom is het in Brussel dan nog slechter?

  16. In 2008 many banks went belly up. The government did some bailouts. People were mad about this ! ( and they had all reason to be angry! )

    Be happy the bank can generate profits.

    If you don’t like the bank, go to Crelan, ING, BNP,…

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