Wife and childer in the town. Currently cuddling the bejaysus out of the pup. The dog is on drugs, not me. A wee concoction from the vet. Wrapped up tight in a blanket, being the wee spoon while I attempt to Pavlov her by giving her a wee dreamies cat treat for all the bangs she gets startled at. Are dog ear defenders a thing? If so, I'm definitely getting some before new years.

Remember they outlawed the private use of fireworks? Where do people even get their hands on them?

by Low-Math4158

  1. How do you get medication for the dog? Ours is generally anxious fucker but almost impossible to take in the car, which can be life limiting. It’d be nice to make it easier to take him places.

  2. Did the vet thing for a few years but didn’t really like it for him, I’ve the TV up nd a clear path to the wee place he likes to go and hide and he gets on okish but can’t wait till it’s over it’s been weeks 

  3. Used to have this every year, probably until Halloween 20/21. Used to bloody dread it. Watching your wee mate be scared out of their wits end and not being able to do anything about it is genuinely tough!

    Dog is now 14, and hearing is going. (Naturally she can still be upstairs and hear a pack of something open in the kitchen though.) She’s lying here beside me sleeping, and has been pretty much all evening while outside sounds like a warzone – I swear they get louder every year, though that could me getting older, and naturally, more wingey.

    Hope your chum is doing okayish, lots of love and treats due over the next few days!

  4. My dog isn’t phased at all by them thankfully. His brother is terrified at Halloween though.

  5. Can’t understand why they’re not banned altogether. You’d have to have a heart of stone not to feel sorry for my big gentle dope who’s just the biggest pet, shaking and panting for hours, refusing to eat or do anything. We live rurally so don’t get them much thank fuck but they did last for an hour or two on and off tonight so will have to look into meds for him next year. Worried sick he was gonna have a heart attack, ruined the kids night too seeing him like that. Fucking hate the things altogether, just no need

  6. My dog has gone a bit deaf in her old age and is currently sleeping blissfully unaware of the racket outside.

  7. My wee lad is only 9 months and not a care in the world for the fireworks/bangers. Doesn’t phase him in the slightest. The wains reckon he’s been conditioned since birth listening to them play Call of Duty and me watching war movies lol.

    But Jesus Christ, god forbid anyone knock in on the door! Goes from zero to ILL RIP YOUR FUCKIN FACE OFF every knock on the door. It’s exhausting!

  8. Used to love Halloween but every year now it’s the most stressful evening of the year, because my dog barks every 2 seconds for 6 hours straight. Feel for him but it’s relentless.

  9. I’ve raised 4 dogs and they thankfully have never reacted. From the beginning I never reacted to the sounds and they stayed calm. Sorry for all those that are suffering.

  10. When my dog was only a pup I got her used to fireworks by playing YouTube videos of firework displays with the volume up high. She’s completely unfazed by it all.

  11. My neighbour’s cat was freaking out outside and he’s away somewhere. She’s a very friendly article. Fuck off small dog owners, you know you’re gay and this cat is bigger than your fanny dawg. She’s currently curled up on my lap in the house and jumps every time the poor thing hears a firework going off.

    It’s always the gays


    I know I’m getting a reddit checkup from this pisstake lol. I’ll always look after my neighbour’s cat. You lot can fuck off.

  12. We have an 11 year old Lab and he’s terrified. It’s bloody awful every year, to the point where I think Halloween will kill him one year. Spent this year drugged off his tits on my wife’s lap with the music up on the tv. Poor fella shakes like a leaf and is on edge for days after this shit. He really needed to hit the garden but hung on for hours and I still had to go out with him, just in case! I hate this time of year.

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