More people giving up meat in Switzerland

by Rough_Ad526

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  2. *Insert meme:* You turn vegetarian because you care for the animals. I turn vegetarian because I can’t affort meat. We are not the same.

  3. The price of meat here has definitely made me eat more tofu. I am thankful overall. Even though I miss steak sometimes.

  4. the percentage of vegetarians is really low tbh. compared to germany where it’s >10%

  5. If people stop eating meat because they can’t afford it, that’s is not good for the farmers as well

  6. >For the first time ever, more than half the population (51.5%) say they eat meat alternatives. Vegetarians consume the most meat substitutes (87.9%).

    What is the difference between alternatives and substitutes? Which is tofu? Which is lentils (personally, I have used lentils as a substitute for minced meat for example)? Not very clear, but I am shocked the meat substitute (which I will assume means those veggie/vegan products aimed at imitating meat products) consumption is so high. Those things are overly salty and fatty and ultra processed. Not really what I’d consider healthy.

  7. Watching your chicken howl in your frying pan as it squirts out the water inside is enough to make you vegetarian.

  8. This is good news for both vegetarians (more of them, more choice in stores/restaurants etc) and carnivores (if others give up meat, this makes the remainder more sustainable).

  9. I wouldn’t mind spending my life without outrageous vacations, restaurants and first world luxuries as long as I can continue to eat a healthy diet of 95% animal products.

  10. So many people consider that a meal without meat is not a real meal, which is a shame.
    There are so many acts of animal abuse and it is rather positive if meat consumption can decrease.
    There are many alternatives, we compensate with vegetable proteins, legumes, oilseeds…

  11. Are people really giving up meat? or they give up meat in CH because they buy meat in Germany?

  12. Why are some people so triggered by this headline? It’s not like anyone is forcing them give up meat.Β 

  13. Canadian here…according to google, every 12th ‘swiss’ ‘owns’ a cow…and yet is still expensive?

  14. this is a clasic case of positive messaging and applied group preassure, common manipulation tactic:

    >more people give up meat so you should too

    i am a bit fed up with this kind of messaging lately.

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